myCred Tutor LMS – Gamification in eLearning


myCred Tutor LMS add-on combines myCred’s core functionality with Tutor LMS’s ability to create eLearning projects.

How does myCred Tutor LMS work?
myCred Tutor LMS allows the admin to distribute myCred points on events/hooks like enrolling or completing general/specific courses, lessons, or quizzes.

The admin can also choose to deduct points on certain events like failing any general or specific quiz.

Why Choose myCred Tutor LMS?
Tutor LMS is a completely free WordPress LMS plugin that simplifies complex course creation processes. You can create courses and extend its ability to teach students by adding quizzes. myCred Tutor LMS add-on combines myCred’s reward management system with courses and quizzes to engage, encourage and excite users.

  • Set user attempt limits on courses, lessons, and quizzes.
  • Add unlimited courses, lessons, and quizzes in the addon’s specific settings.
  • Award points for completing courses and quizzes.
  • Award points for enrolling in courses.
  • Deduct points for failing courses and quizzes.


For Quizzes

  • Award Points on completing any quiz
  • Award Points on completing a specific quiz
  • Award Points on completing any quiz of a specific course
  • Award Points on pass any quiz
  • Award Points on pass a quiz of a specific course
  • Deduct Points on fail in any quiz
  • Deduct Points on fail in a specific quiz
  • Deduct Points on fail a quiz of a specific course

For Lessons

  • Award Points on completing any lesson
  • Award Points on completing a specific lesson
  • Award Points on completing any lesson of a specific course

For Courses

  • Award Points to enroll in a course
  • Award Points to enroll in a specific course
  • Award Points on completing any course
  • Award Points on completing a specific course


Click Here to read complete documentation of the product. The documentation includes a step-by-step installation and configuration guide, system specifications, troubleshooting, and support.


From WordPress backend

  1. Navigate to Plugins -> Add new.
  2. Click the button „Upload Plugin“ next to „Add plugins“ title.
  3. Upload the downloaded zip file and activate it.

Direct upload

  1. Upload the downloaded zip file into your wp-content/plugins/ folder.
  2. Unzip the uploaded zip file.
  3. Navigate to Plugins menu on your WordPress admin area.
  4. Activate this plugin.


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New – Compatible with WordPress 6.6.1


New – Compatible with WordPress 6.5.2


TWEAK – Added compatibility for the myCred v2.6.


New – Compatible with WordPress 6.3.2


  • Initial release.