Dieses Plugin wurde mit dem 24. Dezember 2018 stillgelegt und ist nicht zum Download verfügbar. Grund: Richtlinienverletzung.
3. September 2016
This Plugin does exactly what I expected. List the post of other sites. It is a mass of options to configure each time inserting these function, but is okay – you maybe need these options.
Only point is, that the style is not so nice. It is ok, but maybe I will adjust it by theme for a greater look.
And, how frank tredici says, ’show date‘ does not work without ’show full meta data‘.
Thanks for this great plugin.
3. September 2016
I needed to pull-in posts from just 1 of my 70 sites in the network onto a sidebar widget in a separate related site.
Plugin Installation – quick and easy.
Widget setup – quick and easy.
Widget setting for „Display Post Date“ set to „Yes“ does not work unless you also set „Full Metadata“ to „Yes“. I just wanted blog publish date. So the plugin gets a 4 out of 5 stars.
Now onto styling which shouldn’t be too hard. Thank you for this plugin. You just saved me a day or so of work.
12. November 2016
Very simple, helpful, clean and useful.
I love you.
3. September 2016
Awesome plugin! Just what I was looking for. I needed to show many posts from diferent sites inside my blog. This did the job and more. I’m really pleased!
Thanks for your magic!!
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