Dieses Plugin wurde mit dem 12. Februar 2024 stillgelegt und ist nicht zum Download verfügbar. Diese Stilllegung ist dauerhaft. Grund: Autor-Anfrage.
29. August 2021
It says it can’t work in private hosts, so it breaks your site if you try to install it in one, e.g. localhost. Problem is that it only says that after you have installed and activated the plugin. Keep it in mind
5. Mai 2020
A few months ago I would have rated 5 stars. And to be honest I am not rating only 1 star right now because the plugin simply does what it says.
After paying for a 1 year subscription, with time support became worse and worse. Plugin is very inflexible for developers and plugin ignores basic CSS changes. When I requested if a simple customization was possible, the developers answer was „No.“
When the plugin caused issues with database, the answer was:
„Try to use another search plugin. Perhaps our search is not suitable for your store.“
Eventually the plugin started showing the wrong prices to costumers, which support is taking a very long time to solve/has not solved yet.
I just switched and am currently using, which is only a 1 time payment (not a pricy subscription), returns results faster than Omegasearch, works as intended and so far has had excellent support. I personally recommend paying the extra monthly subscription for a faster server + a local ajax search (you get a fast search and fast website), than paying for Omegasearch monthly sub.
18. Juni 2019
Service appeared to be down but turned out it was local ISP. Support was quick to help out.
Also has been a couple months since the search results stopped displaying prices due to a WooCommerce version but it has now been fixed and looks great. Credit to the Omega Commerce team for sorting this out.
24. Mai 2019
For over 5 years now, I’ve managed an E-commerce site with over 3,000 products and 40 Plugins and heavy traffic. We installed the IS+ plugin and signed up for premier service since day 1. This is by far the most important and valuable plugin that we have added to our site. Not only it has incredible search functionality, but also it handles our product category pages, Navigation, Product Filters, Recommendation Engine, and Recently viewed products and much more. Pretty much all of our front end product search functionalities are being handled by IS+ for the last several years.
The system is easy to use and super fast. Loading time has always been excellent, and so much of the load from product queries are done on the IS+ server which frees up our server to handle other functions. Also, their system is continuously being improved and new features are added every few months. The interface is easy to use and very customizable.
Most important of all, knowing that we are relying on a plugin to handle so much of our site’s functionality, Great Customer Service is extremely critical. And IS+ support has been outstanding with prompt responses and support team that will stick with us to solve any issue or update we need.
I think if you are ready to step up your e-commerce site to the modern and future level, then you should not hesitate to give this plugin a try.
23. November 2018
This plugin adds fast and professional search functionality to your site.
We had some technical issues due to a mistake on our side, but this was eventually solved with great support.
Highly recommended!
13. Februar 2018
Useful when speed is important.
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