Dieses Plugin wurde mit dem 16. Februar 2025 stillgelegt und ist nicht zum Download verfügbar. Diese Stilllegung ist vorübergehend, es wird auf eine vollständige Prüfung gewartet.
11. Februar 2020
seems a bit buggy… many times I have to deactivate and reactivate, because it will display that we are closed. For example, today it said we would not be open until Wednesday (today is Tuesday and we are currently open).
20. Oktober 2017
Awesome plugin, saved me money.
Dear developer, could You please make it easier accessible? Not like Appearance-> Customise-> Business hours, but more like Dashboard -> Business Hours, please?
15. März 2017
2 Antworten
Awesome- and east to use plugin. I’ve been looking for some time for a plugin that shows the opening hours of today, and i finally found yours. It works excactly how i hoped.
Thanks alot for the great work;)
17. Februar 2017
I found it very easy to work with this plugin’s system. It handled with ease a very human way of writing the restaurant’s open hours.
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