Outbrain Feed


This plugin enables you to seamlessly enhance your site’s user experience and monetization by integrating Outbrain’s dynamic content feeds, combining editorial and sponsored content in a way that keeps users engaged.

An Outbrain account is required; to open an account, contact us.

Note: By installing and activating the Outbrain plugin you acknowledge that you are registered in the Outbrain platform as a publisher and that you are aware that this plugin will enrich your public site with links to external sites.

Help & Docs

User and developer docs for Outbrain Feed can be found here.

External Services

This plugin connects to Outbrain’s data center to download the resource https://widgets.outbrain.com/outbrain.js. This JavaScript resource implements the Outbrain feed designed to enrich the page/article with content recommendations and ads (assuming the site owner is registered as a Publisher on the Outbrain platform).

This Outbrain’s code on page may use cookies stored on the end-user’s device and communicate to the Outbrain data center the end-user’s (reader) device identifier and IP address. These details may also be shared with third-party technology partners for the purpose of syncing identities.

By downloading and activating this plugin, the site owner acknowledges that they have signed a “Engage Master Order Form” agreement with Outbrain and agree to the terms described in the following links:

Outbrain’s Engage Master Service Agreement
Outbrain’s Engage Data Sharing Agreement

Also, by downloading and activating this plugin, the site owner is aware that some personal information might be shared with the Outbrain technology partner listed here.


You can install the Outbrain plugin using any standard WordPress installation method. If you’re new to installing plugins, consider watching this introductory video on WordPress plugin installation for guidance. Follow these steps for the simplest installation process:

  1. Log in to WordPress as an Admin: In your Admin dashboard, go to the „Plugins“ menu and select „Add New.“
  2. Find the Plugin: In the WordPress Plugin Marketplace, type „Outbrain“ in the search bar and press Enter.
  3. Install and Activate: Locate „Outbrain Feed“ in the search results, then click „Install and Activate.“
  4. Verify Installation: Go back to the „Plugins“ menu and ensure „Outbrain Feed“ is listed among your installed plugins. Check that it’s marked as „Activated.“ If it shows as „Deactivated,“ click „Activate.“
  5. Confirm Installation: In the plugin’s „Settings“ section, you’ll see a brief description of the plugin’s capabilities to confirm successful installation.

That’s it! No additional settings are required. If your site is already registered as an Outbrain publisher, the Outbrain Feed will now automatically appear at the bottom of each article or post. If you don’t have an Outbrain account yet, contact us to open an account.


Where will the feed appear on my site?

The feed will display at the bottom of each article or post, just above the footer.

Can I place the feed in other placements, like the middle of an article?

Not in this release. Additional placement options and capabilities are planned for the next release, scheduled for the end of Q1 2025.

Can I use this plugin to register as a publisher in the Outbrain network?

No, this plugin is for integrating the Outbrain feed only. To register as a publisher in the Outbrain network, please contact us.


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  • Initial release.


  • Working copy for wordpress 6.7