Dieses Plugin ist nicht mit den jüngsten 3 Hauptversionen von WordPress getestet worden. Es wird möglicherweise nicht mehr gewartet oder unterstützt und kann Kompatibilitätsprobleme haben, wenn es mit neueren Versionen von WordPress verwendet wird.

Customer Service to Content Marketing Converter by Produck


With ProDuck you turn customer service into content marketing by converting customer chats into content pages to reuse them as blog pages or FAQs and to attract new customer via content marketing. More specifically, published chats get indexed by search engines, increasing your authority on google and co. Your ranking will benefit soon. Hence, published chats can easily be shared on social media as if it were new blog articles. All chats can be received and managed in the ProDuck app as well as in your browser.
Note that by using this plugin and therefore the Produck service you accept the Produck terms and conditions (https://produck.de/agb.html) as well as the Produck data policy regulation (https://produck.de/data-sec.html).
The source-code of the Produck plugin can be found on Github: https://github.com/monstec/produck-wordpress-plugin.


Chat to Website

  • Page Generator – Simply add new pages to your shop by editing and publishing useful chats
  • SEO-Content – Published chats are search engine optimized (SEO) by default and promote your google ranking through sustainable content marketing
  • Sharing Function – Chats can easily be shared with your community on various channels such as email, facebook or twitter
  • Expert Profile – Publish a customized profile on ProDuck.de to attract more customer
  • Statistics – Live metrics for all your chats are displayed on your dashboard

Live Chat Function

  • Live Chat – Smart real-time live chat function to lead up to 10 chats at once
  • At the Point of Sale – Modul integration at different places on your page
  • Responsive – The chat is seamlessly adapting to various mobile and desktop screens
  • Chat History – All chats can be edited and maintained in your ProDuck Expert Account
  • Alternative Contact – Show alternative contact channels in case you are absent
  • No Cookie Barrier – The chat works independent of the third-party cookie settings of your visitors

Benefits for Merchants

  • ProDuck improves your ranking on Google and co. by reusing your customer conversations and enabling search engine indexation.
  • The set-up pages can easily be promoted on social media and keep your community alive.
  • The smart live chat offers you a convenient and innovative way to connect with your customers.

Benefits for Customers

  • Customer can request immediate support by using the responsive live chat
  • Chats can be displayed in widgets on relevant pages to solve remaining questions instantly
  • Customer will find relevant products from your portfolio (if you have configured this option) in the chat to allow a sales interaction as if they are in your local store


We recommend to submit at least two chats per week, to keep your page interesting for search engines. Adjust the wording of your customers’ question in the “quackify” section after the chat was accomplished, to find a very catchy headline which will be indexed on google later on. Try to provide crisp, but also holistic answers to customer queries. Additional answers can help, to keep a specific question relevant to future visitors with similar issues. Holistic answers are more likely to support a good ranking on search engines. From our experience, your site ranking will benefit noticeably after 20 published chats. All the best. Your ProDucks.

What makes ProDuck unique

  • ProDuck is the only live chat with integrated chat to website feature
  • We exploit the value of your answers by converting them into single pages, placed on your website and helping you to reach a better position on google and co.


  • The chat will be displayed on demand at the bottom of your webpage.
  • Quacks will be displayed in an overview on your webpage.
  • Each Quack is presented on an own seo-optimized page.
  • Quacks soon get indexed by google.
  • Quacks can be shared easily.
  • Quacks can be edited at any time.
  • The dashboard shows recent statistics.
  • A product overview can be opened straight from the chat.
  • Products can be pushed to the chat to start a conversational exchange.


Install the ProDuck WordPress plugin in just a few steps:

  • Register on https://www.produck.de/signup.html “Als Experte” (as expert).
  • After you have set up your account on https://www.produck.de, login into your account and choose “Profil” on the left-side menu. In your profile, you will find your customer ID in the box “Kunden-ID”, which will be needed to connect your chat and the quacks to your account.
  • Now install the plugin and activate the plugin in your WordPress installation.
  • Then open the configuration of your ProDuck Plugin which can be found via the settings menu item in the WordPress administration. You will be immediately prompted for your customer ID and whether you want to show a Produck.de link beneath your Quack-pages.
  • Change the other settings or keep it if suitable to your preferences. All settings are explained directly on the administration page.
  • The most important setting is the quack token. This is mandatory if you want to show quacks on your website. You get your token in the settings of your account on https://www.produck.de.
  • Finally, the Produck plugin uses virtual posts/pages, thus the necessary routing does only work if the permalinks setting of WordPress is set to something other than the first option („Plain“). Alternatively, you could for example choose „Day and Name“.

Now you are ready to go. After you have created the first quacks, they should appear on your website automatically. If not, contact us on https://www.produck.de?cid=53.
If you want to add products to your account, please contact us under https://www.produck.de?cid=53. We will assist you and provide further instructions.


Can I use ProDuck for free?

Yes and no, the usage of all chat features is free. Publishing chats on ProDuck is absolutely free. Publishing chats on external sites is free for the first 30 days. Afterwards we will charge a fee. The current price list can be found on https://www.produck.de/pricing.html and in our terms (AGB) on https://www.produck.de. To use ProDuck, you need not to sign in into a longterm contract. You can stop using ProDuck at any time.

Why ProDuck?

The reusability of chats will enhance the economy of your customer service by increasing the traffic deriving from search engines. Publishing chats is fast, easy and trendy. Blogger use ProDuck to bring more variety in their blog and to target customer with different formats.

Why should I publish on ProDuck.de?

You need no webspace, domain, no management of the infrastructure, data-security or terms and conditions. If you are busy, other publisher keep ProDuck alive. So you can start and pause whenever you want, without loosing traffic. The platform is very comfortable for managing content from chats. Finally, publishing on ProDuck.de is free. But even if you decide to switch to your own wordpress site, with this plugin you can easily move all chats to your site by making a few clicks.

How can I receive messages from my customer?

You can use the ProDuck as browser application on any stationary device as well as our Android and iOs Apps. In case you use our app, you will receive push notifications for every incoming message as known from messengers like WhatsApp.

What happens, if I am offline?

This is up to you. You can show a contact email, a contact number or just a notification about your absence to your customer.

In which area is ProDuck applicable?

ProDuck is already used in various businesses such as smart home and sports retail. Here you can find an example: https://www.smartkat.net. Produck.de is especially useful, if you want to pull potential customer to your site, with minimal extra-effort.

Where can I find further instructions

Please review our documentation on https://www.produck.de/docu/overview.html. Further FAQs can be found on https://www.produck.de/faq.html.

Can I specify groups of experts?

Yes, this is possible. Please contact us to form a team of chat recipients: https://www.produck.de?cid=53.

Can I see missed Chats?

Yes, missed chats will appear in your settings under „Quacks“, except you set „Nicht in Liste aufnehmen“ in your account settings.

Can I set a secific status

Yes, you can deactivate your chat, which means you are offline.

Can I set a holidy mode

Yes, this is possible in your settings.

Can customer start a chat without entering email or name?

Yes, it is possible to start a chat without any credentials and completely anonymous.

Do I need a software on my PC to use ProDuck?

No, you don’t! ProDuck is a SaaS, which means the application is running on our server and you just need to have an online connection to use it. Thus, you need to install the WordPress Plugin and are ready to start your customer communication.

Will ProDuck slow down the performance of my website?

ProDuck is loaded asynchronously. This means, it will not bother the initial loading process of your website.

Can customer who have third-party cookies deactivated use the ProDuck chat on my site

Yes, this is possible. The chat is independent of third-party cookie settings.

How to I publish a chat?

After each chat you have the option to “Quackify” a chat, meaning that the chat can be published on your webpage or ProDuck.de alternatively. Before that, you can assign a title, tags and a language to your chat.

Can I change the content of chats before publishing?

Yes, absolutely. Subsequent to each chat, you can decide whether to publish or not to publish the conversation. If you want to edit or update a conversation later, you will find a chat management panel in your expert account, where you can change title, text and tags immediately.

Are Chats available in multiple languages?

Currently, you can choose the languages German or English for each Chat prior to publication. The Chats will then just be displayed on your site according to the chosen language.

How to become an Expert?

Register on https://www.produck.de/signup.html “Als Experte” (as expert).

How to share a chat with my social community?

On your webpage, a share button is attached to each chat. On click, a popup will open and show several options to share the chat i.e. on facebook, twitter or via email.

Got a question

Contact us via https://www.produck.de?cid=53. You can also find further FAQs under https://www.produck.de/faq.html.


21. Mai 2019
Diese Plugin bietet zahlreiche Funktionen, die hilfreich sind, wenn man Kunden Support anbieten möchte oder gar Produkte zum Verkauf im Chat anbieten will. Die Funktion Chats in eigenständige Seiten (Quacks) umzuwandeln bringt mir tatsächlich einen Zuwachs an Klicks von Google. Ich verwerte die Chats auch gleich in meinem Instagram Account, so dass auch mein Social Media Kanal profitiert. Ein paar Funktionen sind noch Ausbaufähig, man sieht aber regelmäßige Verbesserungen der Benutzerfreundlichkeit. Insgesamt ein tolles Konzept. Daumen hoch!
Alle 1 Rezension lesen

Mitwirkende & Entwickler

„Customer Service to Content Marketing Converter by Produck“ ist Open-Source-Software. Folgende Menschen haben an diesem Plugin mitgewirkt:



Version 1.1.2

adapted url of produck chat

Version 1.1.1

some textual corrections and improvements

Version 1.1.0

improved authentication for quacks (introduced quack token)

Version 1.0.0

first release