Dieses Plugin ist nicht mit den jüngsten 3 Hauptversionen von WordPress getestet worden. Es wird möglicherweise nicht mehr gewartet oder unterstützt und kann Kompatibilitätsprobleme haben, wenn es mit neueren Versionen von WordPress verwendet wird.

Qanva Powertools for Elementor


Add special settings, cloning of pages,posts/templates in Elementor. Align 3 or 4 widget buttons instead of only 2, remove the widget name and replace it with a tooltipp and remove standard WorPress widgets. Clone your post,pages and templates directly from Elementor and open it. You also can rename the post_name which mostly is used to create the permalink of your page.
If using favorite widgets, you can save them extern and retrieve them on any other installation with Elementor and Qanva Power Tools.


  • Settings for extra buttons, Quickchanger (open post,pages and templates direct from Elementor) and cloning.
  • Quickchanger and cloning button in Elementor panel
  • Open modal for selecting, renamimg of clone and cloning action.
  • Special settings in Elementor panel: remove widget names, show names as tooltipp, how many columns for the widgets and hiding of WordPress widgets. Change the permalink name and saving/ retrieving favorite widgets.
  • The new arranged Elementor widget panel.


  1. Upload ‚qanva-powertools-for-elementor.zip‘ through WordPress ‚Plugins‘ installation menu
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‚Plugins‘ menu in WordPress


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Release version


Bugfix regarding Quickchanger


Fixed CSS files


Store your favorite widgets and reset in case of problems


Added removing double appearance of favorite widgets
Added auto amount of widgets on panel resizing


Option to save and retrieve favorite widgets optimised


Added function to remove Google fonts and Fontawsome from frontend


Added shortcut to open modal, added Quickchanger to modal, reduced settings options


Changing some targets in JS, added languages

  • Add special settings, cloning of pages,posts/templates in Elementor. Align 3 or 4 widget buttons instead of only 2, remove the widget name and replace it with a tooltipp and remove standard WorPress widgets. Clone your post,pages and templates directly from Elementor and open it. You also can rename the post_name which mostly is used to create the permalink of your page.
    If using favorite widgets, you can save them extern and retrieve them on any other installation with Elementor and Qanva Power Tools.