Remove Social ID for WP


Facebook, Google(adwords), Microsoft Advertising is now adding a fbclid, gclid, msclkid argument to all the shared URLs respectively. Each visitor/user now comes from Facebook with a unique URL, because of this cache and various other functionality breaks on WordPress site.

Specially redirect rules get broken and pages show 404 error sometimes.

This plugin scans the incoming url for fbclid, gclid and redirect to the url after removing the querystring.


  • Upload the directory ‚/remove-social-id/‘ to your WP plugins directory and activate from the Dashboard of the main blog.


None at this time


31. Mai 2023 1 Antwort
It does what’s supposed to do, and do it fine. No issues.
3. Januar 2023 1 Antwort
This broke my website on WP 6.1, too many redirects error, publisher expects users to be programmers and debug it themselves. Too bad since it would be really nice to have this feature.
16. Februar 2022 1 Antwort
Worked out of the box. Resolved an issue where the additional parameters that Facebook adds to your shared URL would redirect our articles to the homepage. Big Thanks!
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Added support for MSCLKID


Support for WP 6.6


Added support for GCLID ( Google Adwords )


First version release