Responsive Like Box, Like Box Widget


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It will display a more flexible and responsible Facebook Like Box in your WordPress sidebar widgets. More than that, it also enable to display in your code template. Facebook Like Box is a wordpress social plugin that enables Facebook Page owners to attract and gain Likes from their own website.

Facebook Like Box social widget enables Facebook Page owners to attract and gain Likes from their own website.

Best Facebook Like Box widget for WordPress

  • See how many users already like this Page, and which of their friends like it too
  • Like the Page with only one click.
  • No need any api key or application id, only enter your facebook fan page URL.

Features of Responsive Facebook Like Box :

  • User friendly and easy to use.
  • Tested with other popular plugins.
  • Ability to set connections number.
  • Option to show/hide your latest facebook fan page posts
  • Option to show/hide friend’s faces
  • Include facebook like box in your posts & pages by using [responsive-facebook-like-box] shortcode.

Tags: facebook, likebox, facebook like, pages, facebook box , facebook like box, post to facebook, sharebar, sidebar, social, Social Plugins, social profiles, social share, social sidebar, wordpress like, seo, meta, Facebook like box widget, facebook like, facebook like button, facebook button, facebook facepile, like box facebook, like box widget, facebook likebox, facebook like box shortcode, likebox, wordpress facebook like box



Dieses Plugin unterstützt 1 Block.

  • Facebook Like Box


Here is the instruction:

  1. Login in your WordPress admin panel.
  2. Navigate to Plugins => Add New from left menu bar.
  3. Now search „responsive facebook like box“ in search box.
  4. Click on Install Now button
  5. Then activate the plugin.
  6. Go to your Appearance => Widgets page and add Widget Facebook like box to your sidebar.


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Mitwirkende & Entwickler

„Responsive Like Box, Like Box Widget“ ist Open-Source-Software. Folgende Menschen haben an diesem Plugin mitgewirkt:




  • Added Features:
    1) News gutenberg block to add the facebook like box inside the widget, pages, and posts.
    2) Tested with the latest WordPress version i.e. 6.6 version.


  • Added Features:
    1) Removed unused codes
    2) Added shortcode features
    3) Code formated as per PSR standard


  • Features:
    1) Replaced the PHP & WordPress deprecated function


  • Edited responsive features:
    1) Make like box left aligned.
    2) Make compatible for all major devices.


  • Edited responsive features:
    1) Fully responsive