A most widely searched plugin feature by all the photography sites. Authors wants to block user to copy there image, content from his site, then just install this plugin and refer the how plugin works question after this line.
Q. How Right Click Disable plugin works?
Ans. Simply go to plugin setting menu page and set enable or diable right click option for admin & visitors of your whole website.
- Right Click Disable For Visitors and Users
- Right Click Disable For Admin
- Customizable Right Click Disable Message
Install Slider either via the plugin directory, or by uploading the files to your server.
After activating Slider plugin, go to plugin menu.
Click Add New Slider and upload image slides.
Publish the slider and copy slider shortcode from bottom of the slider setting and embed shortcode on any Page/Post/Text Widget.
That’s it. You’re ready to go!
Have any queries?
Please post your question on plguin support forum
Mitwirkende & Entwickler
„Right Click Disable OR Ban“ ist Open-Source-Software. Folgende Menschen haben an diesem Plugin mitgewirkt:
Mitwirkende„Right Click Disable OR Ban“ wurde in 1 Sprache übersetzt. Danke an die Übersetzerinnen und Übersetzer für ihre Mitwirkung.
Übersetze „Right Click Disable OR Ban“ in deine Sprache.
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- Security issues fixed.
- Enhancements: tested for wordpress 6.2.1
- Security issues fixed.
- Enhancements: tested for wordpress 6.0.1
- Enhancements: tested for wordpress 6.0.1
- Enhancements: tested for wordpress 5.9.3
- Enhancements: tested for wordpress 5.9
- Enhancements: tested for wordpress 5.8.1
- Enhancements: tested for wordpress 5.7.2
- Bug Fix: Fixed
- Enhancements: tested for wordpress 5.7.1
- Enhancements: tested for wordpress 5.7
- Enhancements: tested for wordpress 5.6.2
- Enhancements: tested for wordpress 5.5.3
- Bug Fix: Fixed
- Enhancements: tested for wordpress 5.5.3
- Enhancements: tested for wordpress 5.5.1
- Enhancements: tested for wordpress 5.5
- Enhancements: tested for wordpress 5.4.2
- Enhancements: tested for wordpress 5.4.1
- Enhancements: tested for wordpress 5.3.2
- Enhancements: tested for wordpress 5.3.2
Feature Enhancements: Version 1.0.10
Feature Enhancements: Version 1.0.9
Feature Enhancements: Version 1.0.7
* Bug Fix: Fixed
* Additional changes: No
Feature Enhancements: Version 1.0.6
* Bug Fix: Fixed
* Additional changes: No
Feature Enhancements: Version 1.0.5
* Bug Fix: Fixed
* Additional changes: No
Feature Enhancements: Version 1.0.4
* Bug Fix: Fixed
* Additional changes: No
Feature Enhancements: Version 1.0.3
* Bug Fix: Fixed
* Additional changes: No
Feature Enhancements: Version 1.0.2
* Bug Fix: Fixed
* Additional changes: No
Feature Enhancements: Version 1.0.1
* Bug Fix: Fixed
* Additional changes: No
Feature Enhancements: Version 1.0.0
* Bug Fix: Fixed
* Additional changes: No
Feature Enhancements: Version 0.2.6
* Bug Fix: Fixed
* Additional changes: No
Feature Enhancements: Version 0.2.5
* Bug Fix: Fixed
* Additional changes: No
Feature Enhancements: Version 0.2.4
* Bug Fix: Fixed
* Additional changes: No
Feature Enhancements: Version 0.2.3
* Bug Fix: Fixed
* Additional changes: No
Feature Enhancements: Version 0.2.2
* Bug Fix: Fixed
* Additional changes: plugin is translation ready
Feature Enhancements: Version 0.2.1
* Enhancements: None
* Bug Fix: Fixed
* Additional changes: setting changes
Feature Enhancements: Version 0.2.0
* Enhancements: None
* Bug Fix: Fixed
* Additional changes: setting changes
Feature Enhancements: Version 0.1.9
* Enhancements: None
* Bug Fix: None
* Additional changes: setting changes
Feature Enhancements: Version 0.1.8
* Enhancements: None
* Bug Fix: None
* Additional changes: setting changes
Feature Enhancements: Version 0.1.7
* Enhancements: None
* Bug Fix: None
* Additional changes: None
Feature Enhancements: Version 0.1.5
* Enhancements: None
* Bug Fix: None
* Additional changes: None
Feature Enhancements: Version 0.1.4
* Enhancements: Yes, upgraded for wordpress 4.7
* Bug Fix: None
* Additional changes: None
Feature Enhancements: Version 0.1.3
* Enhancements: None
* Bug Fix: None
* Additional changes: None
Feature Enhancements: Version 0.1.2
* Enhancements: None
* Bug Fix: None
* Additional changes: None
Feature Enhancements: Version 0.1.1
* Enhancements: None
* Bug Fix: None
* Additional changes: None
Feature Enhancements: Version 0.1.0
* Enhancements: enable/disable Settings for ban
* Bug Fix: None
* Additional changes: None
Feature Enhancements: Version 0.0.9
* Enhancements: enable/disable Settings for ban
* Bug Fix: None
* Additional changes: None
Feature Enhancements: Version 0.0.8
* Enhancements: enable/disable Settings for ban
* Bug Fix: None
* Additional changes: None
Feature Enhancements: Version 0.0.7
* Enhancements: enable/disable Settings for ban
* Bug Fix: None
* Additional changes: None
Feature Enhancements: Version 0.0.6
* Enhancements: enable/disable Settings for ban
* Bug Fix: None
* Additional changes: None
Feature Enhancements: Version 0.0.5
* Enhancements: enable/disable Settings for ban
* Bug Fix: None
* Additional changes: None
Feature Enhancements: Version 0.0.4
* Enhancements: enable/disable Settings for ban
* Bug Fix: None
* Additional changes: working on new wordpress version
Feature Enhancements: Version 0.0.3
* Enhancements: enable/disable Settings for ban
* Bug Fix: None
* Additional changes: working on new wordpress version
Feature Enhancements: Version 0.1.0
* Enhancements: enable/disable Settings for ban
* Bug Fix: None
* Additional changes: None