RTL Tester Mirror by WebMan


This plugin simply mirrors the Right To Left (RTL) website layout using a CSS transform making it look like Left To Right (LTR) website.

This is a great tool for LTR language speakers for testing RTL layouts of WordPress themes and plugins, making the testing process much easier for you eyes and brain 😉

Works great with RTL Tester plugin.


  • Mirrors RTL website layout to make it look like LTR layout
  • Plugin adds a blue notification with „Mirrored RTL“ text at the top when the RTL website is mirrored

Plugin Localization

Translate the plugin by clicking the „Translate RTL Tester Mirror“ button under the „Translations“ section in the sidebar.

Additional Resources


  • Standard LTR website layout
  • Standard RTL website layout when testing using „RTL Tester“ plugin
  • Mirrored RTL website using the „RTL Tester Mirror by WebMan“ plugin


  1. Unzip the plugin download file and upload rtl-tester-mirror folder into the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the „Plugins“ menu in WordPress.
  3. Switch your website into RTL layout (with RTL Tester plugin, for example).


The WordPress toolbar no longer sticks! How come?

Well, this seems to be a bug with your browser. The plugin actually applies a CSS transform on a html tag and some browsers can’t cope with fixed positioned elements than. Sorry for inconvenience, but there is no real fix for this as of now. But I believe this is a small issue in comparison of the value the plugin gives you 😉

Fixed positioned elements are not working, help!

Well, the same as above…


Für dieses Plugin gibt es keine Rezensionen.

Mitwirkende & Entwickler

„RTL Tester Mirror by WebMan“ ist Open-Source-Software. Folgende Menschen haben an diesem Plugin mitgewirkt:


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  • Fix: Fixing texts


  • Update: Removing border around the mirrored website in favor of simple notification at the top
  • Update: Function name
  • Fix: Fixing localization issue


  • Update: Renaming plugin
  • Update: Uploading screenshots


  • Fix: Fixing typos


  • Erstveröffentlichung