Schedule Product Delivery Date for WooCommerce


Schedule Product Delivery Date for WooCommerce

People nowadays rely on online stores to purchase daily necessities such as dairy products, food, and other items to avoid the hassle of leaving their homes. In such cases, the store owners may meet difficulties in organizing product delivery plans for their regular customers.

The Schedule Product Delivery Date for WooCommerce plugin allows customers to set a weekly or monthly delivery calendar, so that store owners can keep track of the dates and deliver all essential products on time.

Likewise, store owners can pre-set any holidays or unavailable days to prevent customers from booking deliveries on those days.

Once you install the Schedule Product Delivery Date for WooCommerce plugin, go to Dashboard ➜ Products ➜ Plan Delivery.
Now let’s have a look at how to set up the product delivery plans for your store.

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Calendar Settings

👉 To showcase your working days in a week, select a day to begin a week from the drop-down menu.
👉 Choose which days of the week your store is open and available for delivering products.
👉 You can use the given date picker to select a start date and end date to notify your customers about the available delivery dates for their orders.
👉 You can restrict customers from picking delivery dates when you are unavailable or on holidays.

Delivery Plan Display

👉 Under the delivery plan display settings, the plugin provides you the choice to display the delivery details on the Cart page, Checkout page, or Thank you page.
👉 Delivery Plans can be set for individual products or as global settings.

Display Settings

As the name implies the display settings allow you to customize the color of the calendar and the texts to be displayed in the delivery details option.
👉 Calendar Border, Day Background, Navigation Arrows, Tooltip Background are the options under Calendar Colors that can be customized.
👉 And under Text Colors Date, Day Title, Day, Holidays, Tooltip Text and Input Text are the options that can be customized.
👉 The Plan Delivery option can be enabled for individual products.

Once you’ve learned the free version of the plugin, you can upgrade to the Premium Version to explore more advanced features.

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💎💎 Premium Features

The Premium Edition of the plugin offers you more extensive features for scheduling your store’s delivery days and timing, making it more convenient for your customers as well.
The Time Range Picker makes it easier to schedule product delivery and keeps your frequent customers satisfied.
☞ Minimum date/ days for delivering the products can be marked.
☞ Can set a maximum quantity of items per date.
☞ The Time Range Picker option allows you to choose available delivery timing.
☞ Can choose the time range picker settings as mandatory or optional.
☞ Can choose 12 hours or 24 hours time format.
☞ Set your convenient custom time slots manually in a 24hours format.
☞ Provide individual time pickers for each day.
☞ Customers can cancel their order from the Orders page in My Account.
☞ From the Order page, the Admin can handle the customer’s request.
☞ Choose your desired template from the given two calendar layouts, to display on product page.
☞ The calendar can be customized to match the theme of your store, by changing its color and text color.

Explore the complete features by visiting the Schedule Delivery for WooCommerce plugin’s official page.

Check how it works (Live Demo)


Frequent updates are made to improve the plugin with a talented group of developers. Moreover, the dedicated support team will help you set up and customize your dream store with all available features and hooks.

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  • General Settings.
  • Display Settings.
  • Enable Plan Delivery.
  • Global Settings.
  • Plan Delivery for Single Product.


Minimum Requirements

  • WooCommerce 5.0 or greater
  • WordPress 5.7 or higher

Automatic installation

  1. Log in to your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Navigate to the Plugins menu, and click „Add New“.
  3. Search and locate ‚Schedule Product Delivery Date for WooCommerce‘ plugin.
  4. Click ‚Install Now‘, and WordPress will take it from there.

Manual installation

Manual installation method requires downloading the ‚Schedule Product Delivery Date for WooCommerce‘ plugin and uploading it to your web server via your FTP application. The WordPress codex contains instructions on how to do this here.


How to enable plan delivery on an individual product?

  1. Navigate to Products, choose a product edit option.
  2. In the product data, enable the Plan Delivery checkbox.

How to set different delivery settings on specific products?

  1. Go to Products, click ‚Edit,‘ and enable the Plan Delivery option.
  2. Disable the Global Settings by selecting the Plan Delivery tab.
  3. And then, you can change the Calendar and Display settings.

Is it possible to indicate holidays for delivery in the global calendar setting?

  1. Yes, go to Products > Plan Delivery and enter every holiday or day that you won’t be accessible for delivery. From the date picker provided in the Holiday/Unavailable days option, you can add or delete as many days as you like.


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Mitwirkende & Entwickler

„Schedule Product Delivery Date for WooCommerce“ ist Open-Source-Software. Folgende Menschen haben an diesem Plugin mitgewirkt:




  • Added WooCommerce 9.2 compatibility.
  • Added WordPress 6.6 compatibility.


  • Added WooCommerce 8.9 compatibility.
  • Added WordPress 6.5 compatibility.


  • Added WooCommerce 8.7 compatibility.


  • Added WooCommerce 8.5 compatibility.
  • Added WordPress 6.4 compatibility.


  • Added WooCommerce 8.0 compatibility.
  • Added WordPress 6.3 compatibility.


  • Added WooCommerce 7.7 compatibility.
  • Added compatibility with HPOS(High-Performance order storage).


  • Added WooCommerce 7.5.1 compatibility.
  • Added WordPress 6.2 compatibility.


  • Fixed the console error displayed on the plugin settings page.
  • Added WooCommerce 6.9.2 compatibility.


  • Added WooCommerce 6.5.1 compatibility.
  • Added WordPress 6.0 compatibility.


  • Initial Release
  • The product page has a calendar to schedule delivery dates.
  • Cart page and checkout page lists the selected dates and products quantity.
  • The order review pages listes the scheduled date of all orders.
  • Order edit page can be set to manage the orders.