

Dieses Plugin wurde mit dem 8. Januar 2019 stillgelegt und ist nicht zum Download verfügbar. Diese Stilllegung ist dauerhaft. Grund: Autor-Anfrage.


26. Juli 2018
danke für dein plugin. Einfach anzuwenden, macht das was es soll und auch optisch (langsames anfahren und beschleunigen) ist ganz nach meinem Geschmack.
5. März 2018
works very well with my sydney template. For all who may have problems, pls follow strict the syntax for html, css and jquery. Thank you for this excellent plugin.
22. September 2017 1 Antwort
I was missing a bit of information at first, considering I have disabled TinyMCE, but author @GitHub was more than helpful and fast with responding. If you have disabled TinyMCE, like me, this is the way to insert shortcode manually: The visual editor inserts a shortcode [sta_anchor id="summary" /] (or, if you encapsule text [sta_anchor id="summary"]your text[/sta_anchor]). The shortcode then gets rendered in frontend as <span id="summary" class="sta-anchor " aria-hidden="true"></span>. Either should work, but generally the idea was to provide an easy way to add anchors with the formatting icon in TinyMCE.
26. August 2017
I was looking for a very simple plugin for my dad, to add anchors in his text. This one does the job, and is very easy to use. I did have a minor issue regarding anchors that contain multiple words, created a thread, and developer responded very quickly. Five stars. Guido
16. August 2017 1 Antwort
Very strong plugin that is easy to use for anchors. There is even an anchor offset under settings. Sadly that piece does not work. However still much easier than hand coding in the anchor tags. Thanks.
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