Server-Side Cache AutoPurge


This plugin automatically purges the server-side cache after you make a website change such as updating a post.

The automatic purge functionality works for websites hosted on servers managed by SureSupport and using the „Server-side Caching“ feature available in the hosting Control Panel.


The plugin does not require any additional configuration. It works out of the box. Just make sure you have the „Server-side caching“ feature enabled in your hosting Control Panel.


You can clear the server-side cache with the following WP-CLI command:

wp surecache purge


You install this plugin just as any other WordPress plugin.


Can I enable/disable server-side caching using the plugin?

No. You can do this only via your hosting Control Panel > Server-side caching.

Can I manually purge the server-side cache using the plugin?

Yes, you can. When the plugin is installed and activated, you will see a „Purge Server-Side Cache“ button at the top left side of the Dashboard. Clicking it will purge the server-side cache.

You can also purge the cache with the following WP-CLI command:

wp surecache purge

I am experiencing issues with the plugin. What do I do?

You can try to resolve the problem by purging the cache, deactivating the plugin, or disabling server-side caching from your Control Panel.


20. Januar 2025 1 Antwort
Latest version made the plugin not to work except for server with sure cache! When we try purging cache it give 500 error to admin-ajax.php now!!
13. September 2023 1 Antwort
Apparently, Godaddy’s Managed Wordpress Hosting is not currently clearing cache when you choose their „flush cache“ option. I was hoping this plugin would do the trick but unfortunately not.
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  • Fix – Queue loop when SSC is turned off


  • Fix – Missing file errors


  • FIX – Purge by hostname


  • Initial release.