Dieses Plugin ist nicht mit den jüngsten 3 Hauptversionen von WordPress getestet worden. Es wird möglicherweise nicht mehr gewartet oder unterstützt und kann Kompatibilitätsprobleme haben, wenn es mit neueren Versionen von WordPress verwendet wird.

Simple add pages or posts


Plugin to simply add multiple posts or pages at once by entering their titles. Handy tool if you have a new blog and want to quickly add pages like Home, About, Contact …

Buy our premium plugin to add Custom Post Type (CPT) support!

Coding by: MijnPress.nl Mastodon profile More plugins



  1. Upload directory simple-add-pages-or-posts to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Aktiviere das Plugin im Menü ‚Plugins‘ im WordPress Backend.
  3. Visit Plugins menu to add your post(s) or page(s).


I have a lot of questions and I want support where can I go?

https://pluginsupport.mijnpress.nl/ or drop me a tweet to notify me of your support topic over here.
I always check my toots, so mention my name with @ramonfincken and your problem.


9. August 2023
<!– wp:paragraph –> <p class=““>2+ years later and I still feel the same way about this plugin. This plugin does exactly what it says… creates pages in bulk quickly. I’ve been using this plugin for years and it is always one of the first plugins I install in a site to build out my site’s navigation. I highly recommend this plugin!</p> <!– /wp:paragraph –>
10. August 2020
I am a web designer and I don’t understand why this plugin is so inconsiderate. It’s the best there is, it makes me a lot of work.
3. September 2016
You can export mindmaps from Mindmeister via textexport and then import with this plug-in. Viola added 500 pages struktur. Very nice.
Alle 15 Rezensionen lesen

Mitwirkende & Entwickler

„Simple add pages or posts“ ist Open-Source-Software. Folgende Menschen haben an diesem Plugin mitgewirkt:




  • Added: Strict standards fixes


  • Added: Strict standards fixes


  • Added: Strict standards fixes


  • Added: Translation ready
  • Added: Hierarchy separator to replace default minus-sign by anything you want 🙂


  • Added: Nonce in form, alltough input is escaped and needs you to be logged in as an admin (who is able to delete users) this will
    prevent CSRF. Thanks to pluginvulnerabilities.com for reporting


  • Added: Support for minus within title like: „Some-title“


  • Bugfix: Framework did not work on multisite, is_admin() problem.
    If anyone could help me with that ? 🙂



  • Changed GUI style
  • Option to add pages under existing pages (Same functionality as wp-admin > pages > add new > sidebar: attributes/Parent


First release