SMNTCS Custom Logo Link


Allows to add a custom link to the image and textual logo.

Compatible with


Contributions are more than welcome. Simply head over to Github and open a pull request.


  1. Upload smntcs-custom-logo-link to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress.
  3. Go to Appearance » Customize » Logo Link and provide the logo link.


30. Juli 2021 1 Antwort
Great plugin! Great functionality for the Membership website. Works flawlessly with SiteOrigin Corp theme. Regards
15. April 2021 1 Antwort
Just wanted to thank you guys for creating and maintaining what is a GREAT Plugin. I’m currently working on a WP Multisite project at the moment and this plugin has just saved me a bunch of work changing code across 5 installations. So I wanted to stop by and thank you for what should be a part of the WP core. I installed it on an Astra Theme and it was a simple and straight forward install. MUCH APPRECIATED !!
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2.4 (2024.12.31)

  • Test up to WordPress 6.7

2.3 (2024.10.14)

  • Test up to WordPress 6.4

2.2 (2023.10.15)

  • Test up to WordPress 6.4

2.1 (2023.03.11)

  • Test up to WordPress 6.2

2.0 (2022.11.30)

1.17 (2022.05.30)

1.16 (2022.01.07)

1.15 (2021.03.28)

1.14 (2021.01.08)

  • Test up to WordPress 5.4

1.13 (2020.06.01)

1.12 (2020.06.01)

1.11 (2020.05.29)

1.10 (2020.04.29)

1.9 (2020.04.14)

1.8 (2020.04.06)

1.7 (2020.04.06)

1.6 (2019.12.07)

  • Test up to WordPress 5.3
  • Replace jQuery with Vanilla JS

1.5 (2019.12.07)

1.4 (2019.04.05)

  • Refactored based on PHPCS and WPCS

1.3 (2019.02.20)

  • Test up to WordPress 5.1

1.2 (2019.01.12)

  • Fixed link target issue

1.1 (2018.03.19)

  • Added

1.0 (2018.03.19)

  • Initial release