Dieses Plugin ist nicht mit den jüngsten 3 Hauptversionen von WordPress getestet worden. Es wird möglicherweise nicht mehr gewartet oder unterstützt und kann Kompatibilitätsprobleme haben, wenn es mit neueren Versionen von WordPress verwendet wird.

SOGO Accessibility


Tested with Gutenberg

version 2.0.0 fixes few issues that were not fully align to the requirement of WCAG 2.0 level AA

The plugin is using only JS and CSS to „fix“ \ enable few accessibility features to the site front end

the plugin will scan the entire code and will add support of accessibility to the page automatically

The admin can select:

  • where the button of the accessibility is located on the screen, lop left right bottom.
  • enable\disable features
  • set the increase value of the font size
  • set the text display to the user for every feature.
  • customize the colors of the plugins
  • enter custom CSS

new: added support for hide accessibility in mobile and tablet

now you can hide the accessibility on mobile and tablet

Missing something? need help?

if you need help configure the plugin or need help customize it to your site
Contact us from the support tab or email us directly at support@sogo.co.il

Love the plugin?

Don’t forget to vote for us and feel free to donate so we can continue sharing free plugins


  • Backend, Widget area
  • Backend, Widget area
  • Frontend


  1. Upload the plugin to the ‚/wp-content/plugins/‘ directory
  2. Aktiviere das Plugin in WordPress im Menü „Plugins“​


  1. Does it support RTL


  1. can I change the text of the buttons

    yes, you can finds it in the setting section of the plugin

  2. can I disable some of the features on my site?

yes you can, simply browse to the plugin settings and disable features you don’t need.

  1. Can I remove the credit to your site?

    you will need to contact us for details


1. Juli 2022
Uses deprecated code and creates jQuery issues. Could be good if it got updates or if it were supported.
1. August 2020
1 year its ok, but now domain author is gone, and i pay for premium and this module its like free. Author no reposne any emails. Not install this
Alle 8 Rezensionen lesen

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First version

= 1.0.1=
fix mobile view


fix some CSS issue


added the option to open\close accessibility menu with ALT +A
add option to close the terms & condition with ALT+C
** Please note: you will need to add instructions to your terms & condition
** Added France translation, thanks to Xavier Boussemart http://www.livremonami.nc/

fixed in version 1.0.1 underline links
Fixed in version 1.0.1: load js in footer
fixed in version 1.1.0, skiplinks with conflict with fullpage.js, fixed: load skiplinks only if user enable accessibility
New in version 1.0.8: change default color for accessibility, close the accessibility when click on one of the buttons, fixed layout in ‚middle‘ button set.
New in version 1.0.7: added option to use icon instate of text for the accessibility button


fixes few issues that were not fully align to the requirement of WCAG 2.0 level AA


add aria for the icon used in the plugin itself


fix icons


add Polish language support