Dieses Plugin wurde mit dem 15. April 2020 stillgelegt und ist nicht zum Download verfügbar. Diese Stilllegung ist dauerhaft. Grund: Ungenutzt.
6. Oktober 2017
Working well on all my websites. Feels safe, and it is easy to handle.
3. September 2016
Works great.
3. September 2016
3. September 2016
Works great!
much more secure to have that extra sign-in code. Very simple to set up too!
3. September 2016
Seems to work fine, but…
I have a WP site that I almost *never* need to login to (maybe a few times a year) and I was still seeing a lot of bot attempts, so I stopped using this and simply added ‚exit;‘ after the opening PHP tag in the wp-login.php page.
This basically kills the login page dead and prevents ANY login, even legitimate ones. Yes, it’s crude, but it stops 100% of ALL login attempts cold.
If I need to login, I ftp in, remark out the ‚exit‘ command and login. Yes, it’s a little bit more cumbersome but for a site that is almost never logged in to it works perfectly.
8. Februar 2017
I added this plugin yesterday and the next time I tried to access my dashboard it redirected me to a blank login page. Blank as in plain white.
It took some searching to find out bad plugin code can do this. When I deleted the files for stealth login off my server, everything went back to normal.
Please fix, ASAP!
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