Plugin-Schlagwort: activity
External Group RSS tab extension
(1 Bewertungen gesamt)Adds tab in the Buddypress groups for external blog RSS feeds posts of group activity
Buddypress Activity Anywhere
(2 Bewertungen gesamt)Let the members of your site post an update to their activity stream from anywhere in your site or any other subsite in a multisite installation inste …
BuddyPress Admin Access Activity
(0 Bewertungen gesamt)Allows BuddyPress admin to go directly to any activity they are linked to. Stops the problem of 'You do not have access to this activity' in …
BP External Activity
(0 Bewertungen gesamt)Allows admins to import data from an arbitrary RSS feed into their BuddyPress sitewide activity stream
(5 Bewertungen gesamt)Operational Insights for your Open Source Applications Manage all your open source apps from one easy-to-use dashboard. From updates to backups and se …
BuddyPress XMLRPC – Receiver
(0 Bewertungen gesamt)This plugin allows certain XML-RPC commands for BuddyPress (Requires a client!)
BP Limit Activity Length
(5 Bewertungen gesamt)Limit the length of your BuddyPress activity updates like Twitter
Activity Feed Anywhere
(0 Bewertungen gesamt)Activity Feed Anywhere adds a custom BuddyPress activity post box and/or feed on any page.
(0 Bewertungen gesamt)Create posts and pages with Another Read’s activity feeds and stacks.
Management & Maintenance Records
(0 Bewertungen gesamt)This plugin add a dashboard widget to record admin activity on website. Simple to remember it
Easy Backend Summary
(1 Bewertungen gesamt)Dies ist ein Dashboard-Plugin für das WordPress-Backend, das einen einfachen Überblick über die neusten Beiträge, Benutzeraktivitäten und -anmeldungen zeigt.
Activity Logger
(0 Bewertungen gesamt)Logs all activity within the CMS by logged-in users. Allows for user-defined exclusions, filtering, and log exports.