Plugin-Schlagwort: bitcoin payments
WordPress Bitcoin Payments – Blockonomics
(35 Bewertungen gesamt)Akzeptiere Bitcoin-Zahlungen und Altcoins auf deiner WooCommerce-Website. Bitcoin-Zahlungen gehen direkt auf dein Wallet.
Bitcoin Payment Gateway: Accept Crypto Payments with WooCommerce
(18 Bewertungen gesamt)Sicheres Krypto-Zahlungs-Plugin für WordPress
GoUrl Bitcoin Payment Gateway & Paid Downloads & Membership
(75 Bewertungen gesamt)GoUrl Official Bitcoin/Altcoin Payment Gateway for Wordpress. Accept Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin, Dash, Dogecoin, etc. Payments Online
GoUrl WooCommerce – Bitcoin Altcoin Payment Gateway Addon
(38 Bewertungen gesamt)Bietet eine Bitcoin-/Altcoin-Zahlungs-Gateway für WooCommerce 2.1+ oder höher. White-Label-Produkt. Akzeptiere Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Bitcoin SV, Litecoin, Dash …
Speed Bitcoin Payments for WooCommerce
(2 Bewertungen gesamt)Start accepting bitcoin or stablecoin payments instantly on your platform using Speed, without exchange rate volatility risk.
OxaPay Crypto Payment Gateway: Accept Bitcoin Payments
(0 Bewertungen gesamt)Secure crypto payment plugin for WordPress
Bitcoin Easy Digital Downloads – Blockonomics
(4 Bewertungen gesamt)Accept bitcoin payments and altcoins on your Easy Digital Downloads website. Bitcoin payments go directly to your wallet.
Accept CryptoCurrency Payments on WooCommerce – CryptoCurrency Gateway Plugin from TheBigCoin
(4 Bewertungen gesamt)Accept CryptoCurrency payments on your WooCommerce store with TheBigCoin payments plugin.
WooCommerce Mycelium Gear
(1 Bewertungen gesamt)WooCommerce Mycelium Gear Payment Gateway Extends WooCommerce Payment Gateway allow customer to pay using mycelium gear.
Bitfinex Pay
(1 Bewertungen gesamt)Allows e-commerce customers to pay for goods and services with crypto currencies. It provides a payment gateway that could be used by any e-commerce t …
Bitcoin Payments for WP WooCommerce
(1 Bewertungen gesamt)Bitcoin Payments for WooCommerce is a Wordpress plugin that allows to accept bitcoins at WooCommerce-powered online stores.