Plugin-Schlagwort: filter
HUSKY – Products Filter Professional for WooCommerce
(314 Bewertungen gesamt)HUSKY – WooCommerce Products Filter Professional (former name is WOOF) – flexible, easy and robust professional filter for products for WooCommerce
Search & Filter
(169 Bewertungen gesamt)Search and Filtering for Custom Posts, Categories, Tags, Taxonomies, Post Dates and Post Types
Allow HTML in Category Descriptions
(41 Bewertungen gesamt)This plugin allows you to use unfiltered HTML in your category descriptions by disabling selected WordPress filters.
Category Ajax Filter
(150 Bewertungen gesamt)Filter blog posts/custom post types by custom taxonomy/category without page reload and with pagination too. It has different filter and post layouts.
Jetpack Search
(9 Bewertungen gesamt)Easily add cloud-powered instant search and filters to your website or WooCommerce store with advanced algorithms that boost your search results based …
Advanced Post Manager
(11 Bewertungen gesamt)Turbo charge your posts admin for any custom post type with sortable filters and columns, and auto-registration of metaboxes.
Random Post Plugin – Redirect URL to Post
(20 Bewertungen gesamt)Schicke Besucher mit einer besonderen URL automatisch zu deinem letzten, ältesten, zufälligen oder anderen Beitrag.
WooCommerce Filter Orders by Product
(15 Bewertungen gesamt)Simplify order management by filtering WooCommerce orders by any specific product or product category using this plugin
WP Ultimate Post Grid
(31 Bewertungen gesamt)Easily create filterable responsive grids for your posts, pages or custom post types
Beautiful taxonomy filters
(68 Bewertungen gesamt)Supercharge your custom post type archives by letting visitors filter posts by their terms/categories. This plugin handles the whole thing for you!
Filter Page by Template
(46 Bewertungen gesamt)Filter the list of pages, posts and custom post-type based on the used page template. A dropdown and a column to show page template names.
Filter for Divi
(23 Bewertungen gesamt)The Divi Filter plugin allows you to filter every module in the Divi Theme. Just add a few classes and you're done.
Filter & Grids
(20 Bewertungen gesamt)Filter posts by categories / taxonomies without reloading the page. Create posts grids.
Post Category Filter
(24 Bewertungen gesamt)Filter post categories and taxonomies live in the WordPress admin area
Message Filter for Contact Form 7
(13 Bewertungen gesamt)Filter messages submitted through contact form 7 based on words and/or emails listed as restricted.
WOOF by Category
(19 Bewertungen gesamt)WooCommerce Product Filter (WOOF) extension to display a set of filters depending on the current product category page.
Anti-Captcha (anti-spam botblocker)
(5 Bewertungen gesamt)Anti-Captcha is a transparent spam solution that does not require any end-user interaction.
MDTF – Meta Data and Taxonomies Filter
(28 Bewertungen gesamt)The main idea of the plugin – make your WordPress site content is filterable and searchable by meta fields and taxonomies on the same time.
Manage User Columns
(5 Bewertungen gesamt)This plugin allows you to manage columns under the users page in the WordPress admin area.
Video Gallery Block – Display your videos as a gallery in a professional way
(6 Bewertungen gesamt)Display your videos as a gallery in a professional way.