Plugin-Schlagwort: news ticker
Ditty – Responsive News Tickers, Sliders, and Lists
(104 Bewertungen gesamt)Ditty offers a range of content display options, including its signature news ticker and customizable layouts.
T4B News Ticker – Responsive News Scroller, Slider, and Animations
(10 Bewertungen gesamt)T4B News Ticker is a flexible and user-friendly news ticker plugin for WordPress, designed to create horizontal news tickers with 4 unique animations.
PJ News Ticker
(6 Bewertungen gesamt)PJ News Ticker is a small plugin that shows your most recent posts in a marquee style.
Live News – Responsive News Ticker
(0 Bewertungen gesamt)Generate a news ticker to communicate the latest updates, including financial news, weather warnings, election results, sports scores, and more.
News Ticker Widget for Elementor
(5 Bewertungen gesamt)News ticker widget for elementor helps you showcase your latest news/posts in a marquee or slider format.
News Ticker for Elementor
(34 Bewertungen gesamt)News icker for Elementor lets you add news ticker with the Elementor Page builder.You can use any of your blog post as news ticker.
Simple Posts Ticker – Easy, Lightweight & Flexible
(22 Bewertungen gesamt)The Simple Posts Ticker plugin is a small tool that shows your most recent posts in a marquee style.
Post Ticker Ultimate
(8 Bewertungen gesamt)Add and display horizontal or vertical post ticker on your website that work with WordPress posts and Custom Post Type with the help of shortcode.
news ticker benaceur
(25 Bewertungen gesamt)This plugin allow you to display the latest posts or latest comments in a bar with twenty seven beautiful animations and effects…
TopNewsWp – Display Magazine, Newspaper, Events in Grid, List, Slider Layout, Tikcer News, RSS Feed Widget and Many More
(7 Bewertungen gesamt)Create and display news in various layouts like Grid, List, Ticker etc. from internal, external and rss sources.
Our Team Widget for Elementor
(4 Bewertungen gesamt)Our Team Widget for Elementor helps you showcase team member detail in a unique style.
Latest Simple News Ticker
(3 Bewertungen gesamt)This plugin help you to view the latest posts or page on your website.This plugin also have three type of animation such as Fade Effects,Slide Effects …
NewsBoard Post and RSS Scroller
(7 Bewertungen gesamt)Newsboard is a jQuery Post and RSS feed auto-scroller. Latest posts, custom posts, most commented posts, posts from specific categories and more.
jQuery Latest News Ticker
(2 Bewertungen gesamt)jQuery Latest News Ticker is a Wordpress News Ticker Rotator plugin
News Headline Ticker
(0 Bewertungen gesamt)News Headline Ticker is best wordpress plugin to display breaking news or news ticker at your website!
Latest News Marquee
(2 Bewertungen gesamt)Plugin for displaying latest news from two famous Bangladeshi news paper Daily Prothom Alo & Daily Star.