Dieses Plugin ist nicht mit den jüngsten 3 Hauptversionen von WordPress getestet worden. Es wird möglicherweise nicht mehr gewartet oder unterstützt und kann Kompatibilitätsprobleme haben, wenn es mit neueren Versionen von WordPress verwendet wird.

Tweak Hidden Options


Tweak Hidden Options is a way to modify various WordPress options that WordPress doesn’t link to from the standard WordPress interface.

All options are provided in safe select-down options, without any user-input data, so that it is perfectly safe for any user to use.

We plan on adding many more options to be edited — if you have any other suggestions, please let us know! You can contact us via http://www.wpsos.io/wordpress-plugin-tweak-hidden-options/

For more information and support, check out: http://www.wpsos.io/wordpress-plugin-tweak-hidden-options/


  • After activation, you’ll see all the available options under ‚Tweak Hidden Options‘ in the ‚Settings‘ menu.


The installation and use is very straightforward. You should:

  1. Upload the folder tweak-hidden-options to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Aktiviere das Plugin mit dem ‚Plugins‘-Menü in WordPress
  3. From the ‚Settings‘ menu, there should be a new option, called ‚Tweak Hidden Options‘


Which options do you modify?

Version 1.0 supports the following options:

  • comment_order,
  • gzipcompression,
  • image_default_align,
  • image_default_size,
  • image_default_link_type.

Note: changing the image options has effect only on images uploaded afterwards.

Where can I get some support?

Check out our site, at: http://www.wpsos.io/wordpress-plugin-tweak-hidden-options/

I have some suggestions for other options I want edited

Let us know, via: http://www.wpsos.io/wordpress-plugin-tweak-hidden-options/


Für dieses Plugin gibt es keine Rezensionen.

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  • Minor hierarchy change accordin to WordPress 4.4


  • Erstversion