Dieses Plugin ist nicht mit den jüngsten 3 Hauptversionen von WordPress getestet worden. Es wird möglicherweise nicht mehr gewartet oder unterstützt und kann Kompatibilitätsprobleme haben, wenn es mit neueren Versionen von WordPress verwendet wird.

vBulletin Welcome Block Widget


This plugin adds the vBulletin welcome block to your blog as a widget. If the user is logged in they will see their login username, avatar, messages and stats. If the user is not logged in they will see a login form and stats including new posts count.

It works great along side the ‚vbulletin/wordpress bridge‘ plugin for that bit of extra integration. Now members can login from a wordpress page.

Send feature suggestions or bug to: bugs@whatsuplift.net

Known bugs:

  1. vBulletin 4 support may still be sketchy.


  1. Support for Filesystem avatars as well as Database avatars

  2. Better support for vBulletin 4, may still be sketchy

  3. Smaller file size and less code


  • Login

  • Logged in


  1. Upload the ‚vBulletin Welcome Block Widget‘ plugin to your blog
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‚Plugins‘ menu in WordPress
  3. Click ‚Vbulletin Widget‘ settings
  4. Fill out all of the settings – do this before adding the widget to your sidebar to avoid errors.
  5. Add the widget to your sidebar


How can i style the form?

The form should style in accordance with your wordpress theme using the standard input css selectors. If your are not happy with the over all style you should be able to use #navbar_username, #navbar_password, #cb_cookieuser_navbar, .input[type=submit], .widget_vbulletin_login in your CSS file.


Für dieses Plugin gibt es keine Rezensionen.

Mitwirkende & Entwickler

„vBulletin Welcome Block Widget“ ist Open-Source-Software. Folgende Menschen haben an diesem Plugin mitgewirkt:
