Dieses Plugin ist nicht mit den jüngsten 3 Hauptversionen von WordPress getestet worden. Es wird möglicherweise nicht mehr gewartet oder unterstützt und kann Kompatibilitätsprobleme haben, wenn es mit neueren Versionen von WordPress verwendet wird.

WASP – Anti Spam


A unique anti-spam solution to help you fight spam in registration, comments, forms (Contact Form 7).
When the user comment or using contact form 7 his comments or message will not sent or be visible until
the user will press a unique link sent to him when he submited his message.

For Example:

Think like this i’m a spammer registering to your site, after register to your site i see a message about
the need to activate my account, if i used fake email address this address will be blocked because it’s never
activated, if i used a real address i activated my account with success !
Now i would like to change my email address so i can spam without getting any messages from your site but oops
i can’t change my email address because the plugin blocking it !
Ok let’s try my luck and start spam in the commnets, posting my first comment and getting a message:
„to see the comment you must approve your comment by pressing the link in your email address“.

I think you got the idea but what would happen if i will not press it the email and the ip address will be blocked because no one press the link, if i did press the link in the second on the third time YOU as site admin can block
his ip and email address manually in the plugin options.

Plugin Features:

  • User activation by email.
  • Block user from changing is email address – EVEN BY ROLE !
  • Protect from spam commnets by sending unique url approve to the user email address – EVEN BY ROLE !
  • Auto learn mode – unverify users or comments will be deleted after time interval you choose.
  • Recaptcha protection for registration.
  • Recaptcha protection for login.
  • Recaptcha protection for commnets – EVEN BY ROLE.
  • Ban user from register or comment by ip or email.
  • Customise email notification to the users.
  • Import and export option to save plugin settings.


  1. Download and unzip the plugin
  2. Upload the entire „wasp“ directory to the „/wp-content/plugins /“ directory
  3. Activate the plugin through the ‚Plugins‘ menu in „WordPress“
  4. Go to Settings > WASP Anti Spam and set up the plugin settings as you want.


Für dieses Plugin gibt es keine Rezensionen.

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contact form 7 bugs fix.

added ban option.


no bugs reported.
minor UI fixes.


Initial Release.