Dieses Plugin ist nicht mit den jüngsten 3 Hauptversionen von WordPress getestet worden. Es wird möglicherweise nicht mehr gewartet oder unterstützt und kann Kompatibilitätsprobleme haben, wenn es mit neueren Versionen von WordPress verwendet wird.

WC Gift Packaging


Add a simple „Send this order packaged as gift“ checkbox to the checkout. Optionally it is possible to set a price for the packaging.

If you want multiple gift packagings and other fancy stuff this is not the plugin for you … this plugin is intentionally very lightweight to fit directly into the WooCommerce user experience.


Hier wie man das Plugin installiert:

  1. Lade „woocommerce-gift-options“ in das Verzeichnis „/wp-content/plugins/“ hoch
  2. Aktiviere das Plugin im „Plugins“-Menü in WordPress
  3. Go to WordPress Admin > WooCommerce > Settings > Checkout and set the ‚Gift packaging cost‘ field if you want to charge something for the packaging


Ist es möglich, einen Preis für die Verpackung anzugeben

Yes. You can change this under Woocommerce > Settings > General > WC Gift Packaging in the ‚Gift packaging cost‘ field.

Ist es möglich, die Position des Auswahlkästchens zu verändern

Yes. You can change the hook of the checkbox like this:

add_filter( 'wc_gift_packaging_field_hook', 'custom_hook_position' );

function custom_hook_position( $text ) {

    return 'woocommerce_after_order_notes';

Ist es möglich, den Text des Auswahlkästchens zu ändern

Yes. You can change the text of the checkbox with the wc_gift_packaging_checkout_field filter:

add_filter( 'wc_gift_packaging_checkout_field', 'my_checkbox_text' );

function my_checkbox_text( $text ) {

    return __( "Send this order as awesome packaged gift" );

Is it possible to wrap the checkbox in some html

Yes. You can use the before_wc_gift_packaging_checkout_field and after_wc_gift_packaging_checkout_field hooks like this:

add_action( 'before_wc_gift_packaging_checkout_field', 'custom_start' );

function custom_start() {

    echo '<div class="my-custom-html">';


add_action( 'after_wc_gift_packaging_checkout_field', 'custom_end' );

function custom_end() {

    echo '</div>';

Is it possible to customize the note in the mail, order details or backend

Yes. You can use the wc_gift_packaging_admin_note, wc_gift_packaging_order_note or wc_gift_packaging_email_note filters to completely change the note. Here are two examples:

add_filter( 'wc_gift_packaging_admin_note', 'custom_note', 10, 2 );

function custom_note( $text, $is_gift ) {

    if( $is_gift ):

        return '<h3>' . __( "This is a regular order" ) . '</h3>';


        return '<h3>' . __( "This order is a gift" ) . '</h3>';



add_filter( 'wc_gift_packaging_order_note', 'html_wrap', 10, 2 );

function html_wrap( $text, $is_gift ) {

    return '<div class="my-custom-html">' . $text . '</div>';



1. Februar 2022
Hi there! Many thanks to your lightweight plugin!! It is easy to use, also lightweight. WORKS FINE but, I have found some bugs in your plugin (about translations) UPDATE: The plugin is abandoned so, we had released a similar plugin to this fixing the bugs and giving the ability for free gift wrappers!! Gift Wrapping for WooCommerce
Alle 3 Rezensionen lesen

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„WC Gift Packaging“ ist Open-Source-Software. Folgende Menschen haben an diesem Plugin mitgewirkt:


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  • The price setting is now visible again under Woocommerce > Settings > General in the WC Gift Packaging section


  • Updated plugin information


  • Fehlerbehebung, die eine PHP-Undefined-Index-Notice entfernt


  • Fehlerbehebung, die $order->id in $order->get_order_number() ändert


  • Bugfix wich makes the $checkout parameter in the wc_gift_packaging_field function optional to allows the usage of more hooks


  • Initial release