Dieses Plugin ist nicht mit den jüngsten 3 Hauptversionen von WordPress getestet worden. Es wird möglicherweise nicht mehr gewartet oder unterstützt und kann Kompatibilitätsprobleme haben, wenn es mit neueren Versionen von WordPress verwendet wird.



The project is inspired by RDP Wiki-Press Embed by Robert D Payne. Some code is also copied (noted in source).

The difference is that this is simpler. It contains as little CSS as possible to be able to customize it for each theme.

Links are rewritten to make the users able to navigate in the wiki without leaving your wordpress page.

The text on the wiki image page will be added as a title=““ tag to the image in wordpress, so by using the plugin simple-lightbox, the text will be shown below the image in the lightbox.

It is developed for use with a private MediaWiki install, but it might work with wikipedia as well.

Tested themes

Virtue: Works well
WP-Forge: Works well
Twenty Ten: Trouble with image alignment
Twenty Thirteen: Works well
Twenty Fourtenn: Trouble with image alignment, pages get very narrow
Twenty Fifteen: Trouble with image alignment


  1. Upload plugin-name.php to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Aktiviere das Plugin in WordPress über das Menü ‚Plugins‘
  3. Add the URL to your wiki under ‚Settings’/’Mediapress‘ in WordPress
  4. Add the shortkode [wiki] or [wiki page=“your page“] to the where your want to show your wiki.


Installation Instructions
  1. Upload plugin-name.php to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Aktiviere das Plugin in WordPress über das Menü ‚Plugins‘
  3. Add the URL to your wiki under ‚Settings’/’Mediapress‘ in WordPress
  4. Add the shortkode [wiki] or [wiki page=“your page“] to the where your want to show your wiki.


24. April 2019
I see that this plugin was updated a year ago. The „homepage“ is a GitHub page that was last updated four years ago. Given that this plugin doesn’t work I’m guessing it has been abandoned. I’ve tried both shortcodes and all I get is blank space where content should show up.
31. Dezember 2018
Hi all, Just tested this extension under WP 5.0.2, on a brand-new test install usinf the Illdy theme from colorlib. Very simple configuration, you only have to indicate the wiki root URL and embed the [wiki=“page“] shortcode in a page, and it works ! It seems to work perfectly so far, except for one feature : link rewriting so that links display content on the same page, which are not working : links redirect to the actual wiki page. For now I rate it a 3 stars, when this feature is fixed, it’ll climb up to 4 and if it actually works on the long-time, up to 5 ^-^
Alle 3 Rezensionen lesen

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