Dieses Plugin ist nicht mit den jüngsten 3 Hauptversionen von WordPress getestet worden. Es wird möglicherweise nicht mehr gewartet oder unterstützt und kann Kompatibilitätsprobleme haben, wenn es mit neueren Versionen von WordPress verwendet wird.


CSS Overrides

Global Overrides:
* .windycoat_container
* .windycoat_loading

Basic Theme Overrides:
* .windycoat_container.windycoat-theme-basic
* .windycoat_current_container
* .windycoat_current_container_left
* .windycoat_current_description
* .windycoat_50_50_grid
* .windycoat_50_50_grid_column
* .windycoat_grid_column_title
* .windycoat_grid_column_value
* .windycoat_current_container_right
* .windycoat_33_grid
* .windycoat_33_grid_column
* .windycoat-subtitle
* .windycoat_hourly_container
* .windycoat_hourly_single
* .windycoat_hourly-temp
* .windycoat_hourly-icon
* .windycoat_hourly-time
* .windycoat_hourly-period
* .windycoat_daily_container
* .windycoat_daily_single
* .windycoat_daily-temp
* .windycoat_daily-icon
* .windycoat_daily-label
* .windycoat_footer
* .windycoat_powered

FlatUI Theme Overrides:
* .windycoat_container.windycoat-theme-flat
* .windycoat_flat_primary_container
* .windycoat_flat_primary_upper
* .windycoat_flat_primary_upper img
* .windycoat_flat_primary_lower
* .windycoat_flat_primary_lower_grid_single
* .windycoat_flat_primary_upper .windycoat_current_description
* .windycoat_current_date
* .windycoat_low_and_high
* .windycoat_low_and_high strong
* .windycoat_low_and_high em
* .windycoat_flat_primary_lower_grid_single_forecast
* .windycoat_flat_primary_lower_grid_single_forecast img
* .windycoat_forecast_label
* .windycoat_forecast_low_high
* .windycoat_current_temp
* .windycoat_low_and_high_inner
* .windycoat_flat_secondary_container
* .windycoat_flat_hourly_single
* .windycoat_flat_hourly_single_item
* .windycoat_flat_hourly_single_icon
* .windycoat_flat_hourly_single_icon img
* .windycoat_flat_hourly_single_time
* .windycoat_flat_hourly_single_humidity
* .windycoat_flat_hourly_single_pressure
* .windycoat_flat_hourly_single_wind
* .windycoat_hourly_label

Coming Soon

  • Design Options/Themes & Tweaks
  • Documentation & Filters
  • Further 3rd Party Weather API Support


Download and activate the plugin, then go to „Settings“ => „WindyCoat.“ From there, input your API key and save your settings.
After this has been completed, you can add to a page via either of the following methods:

  1. Shortcode: Add the [wc_weather] Shortcode to the page.
  2. Blocks: Add the WindyCoat Weather Block via Gutenberg.


Für dieses Plugin gibt es keine Rezensionen.

Mitwirkende & Entwickler

„WindyCoat“ ist Open-Source-Software. Folgende Menschen haben an diesem Plugin mitgewirkt:


Übersetze „WindyCoat“ in deine Sprache.

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