Allows you to integrate a product customizer / designer into your WooCommerce store.
Very easy to use.
Add 5 Variations / Color
You can define 5 variations / color per product and add for each variation a uniqe price.
Add 10 Cliparts / Graphics / Images
You can define 10 images per product that the customer can use to design the product.
For each image u can set a uniqe price. -
Text Input
Customer can add text to the product.
16 fonts, change color of text & font size, bold & italic
You can disable / enable text input for each product. -
Custom Clipart / Graphic Upload
Gives the customer the option to upload his own clipart / graphic and use them in the designer.
You can disable / enable text input for each product. -
Fully Responsive
Supports all mobile devices / tablets.
AJAX Price Calculator
Real time price calculator on the left side from the designer.
Based on the variation / text input / graphic prices that you have set. -
Font & Back View
The customer can design the product on the front and also on the back side.
Add Unlimited Variations / Colors
Add Unlimited Cliparts / Graphics / Images
More detailed price calculation
Based on: text length, font size, print on one or both sides -
Predefinied Sets
Create sets for graphics / images/ cliparts and use them for multiple products. -
Text Input – 600+ Google Fonts
Gives your customer the option to use more then 600 Google Fonts. -
Customize all Colors and Texts
Change all colors and texts of the designer easy via the plugin settings. -
Premium Support & Updates
Premium support and updates so long as your licence is valid, isn’t that nice?
One time costs €14,99,- / license for one domain including updates & updates – lifetime.
The sale is done manually by email.
If you want to buy send an email to
Go to yout WP Admin Site -> go to Plugins -> click on \“Add New\“ and search for Woo T-Shirt Product Designer -> click on \“Install\“ -> After install finished click on \“Activate\“..
In all cases please do ensure you have WooCommerce activated.
Download the plugin as zip archive and then upload it to your wordpress plugins folder and
extract it there.
Its very simple. After you installed & ativated the plugin just create a product or edit a existing product under WooCommerce -> Products.
Now u change the „product type“ to „Woo Designer“ – now u can see a tab called „Woo Designer“.
Click on this tab and start setting up.
IMPORTANT: U have to set under „General“ a Reg. Price. Set the price to 0 or enter the price of the cheapest variation / color.
This is important – if you not set a price the customer can not buy the product.
Customer can not buy the product error
U have to set under „General“ a Reg. Price. Set the price to 0 or enter the price of the cheapest variation / color.
This is important – if you not set a price the customer can not buy the product.
Mitwirkende & Entwickler
„Shirt Product Designer for WooCommerce“ ist Open-Source-Software. Folgende Menschen haben an diesem Plugin mitgewirkt:
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- released
- a lot oft bugfixes + load plugin js files in frontend only of needed = product type woodesigner
- Bugfixes: Image Upload fixed, PHP Warnings + Notices should be fixed, Text tranform fixed
- Bugfixes: Bugfix in Cart and in Checkout fixed – sorry for that!