

Dieses Plugin wurde mit dem 30. April 2024 stillgelegt und ist nicht zum Download verfügbar. Diese Stilllegung ist dauerhaft. Grund: Autor-Anfrage.


23. Juli 2019 1 Antwort
Looks quite nice, and simpler to use than its brother „WP Admin UI Customize“ ! Works like a charm <3
4. November 2018 1 Antwort
This plugin has all the features that ever need for a wordpress white label. Best work by the developer. Please keep it updated, after wordpress 5.o Thank You
5. Juni 2018 1 Antwort
This plugin in essential in operating any WordPress site that has multiple users. I can’t believe that I hadn’t rated it before. There’s no reason for regular users to have access to all of the back end WP menus, settings, and formats. It either gives them eyes in places they don’t need to be or the ability to play in an area where they should stay out of. WP Admin UI fixes the problem. What this plugin does really should be incorporated into core of WordPress but for whatever reason it’s not. Thankfully by installing this plugin, the issue can be taken care of!
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