

Dieses Plugin wurde mit dem 2. September 2024 stillgelegt und ist nicht zum Download verfügbar. Diese Stilllegung ist dauerhaft. Grund: Autor-Anfrage.


1. Juli 2024 4 Antworten
UPDATE: After some time they have solved the duplicity of orders. We bought the paid version a few weeks ago and since the beginning we have experienced a serious problem, it duplicates quite a few orders in woocommerce „Master“. So far we have not managed to solve it and we are concerned, not that they can fix it, because at the code level would be quite simple that if you program a plugin that imports orders from one woocmmerce to another, not even if they want to have a conditional function checking the order ID, if it is already importing not to import it again, we are more concerned about the bad attention we have received. We have been developing woocommerces since 2015, we have participated in more than 300 different projects and we have worked with many different themes and plugins and we have never been answered so rudely and without resolution options in any case.
28. Februar 2024
I had a problem with this app not being suitable and not being able to receive a refund. Eventually, I received a refund so redacting my negative review in good will.
30. Juni 2021 1 Antwort
This plugin is useful for those who have multiple WooCommerce stores.
19. Januar 2021
At first look, it was difficult for me to understand some terms. After asking a question I received support and my voice was heard. Now I can say this is the plugin with really good potential, despite we need to understand it does not come cheap and the license needs to be renewed annually. The license fee is reasonable in terms of how much work & time one can save. Despite this plugin did not meet exactly what I need (not purchased at the end), I need to say there is a friendly ear on the other side and the response is proactive.
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