Dieses Plugin wurde mit dem 6. Januar 2019 stillgelegt und ist nicht zum Download verfügbar. Diese Stilllegung ist dauerhaft. Grund: Autor-Anfrage.
4. Januar 2019
Last updated two years ago, I couldn’t get a single image link to work. This plugin is dead. Lots of time wasted.
3. Januar 2019
Totally useless with current wordpress versions. No support anymore. Sad.
13. Dezember 2018
1 Antwort
Seems like it was a good plugin, but unfortunately is incompatible with latest update.
14. November 2018
I’m not sure why this isn’t a default feature in WP! Still works great as expected in 4.9.8
22. Oktober 2018
This plgin is totally unusable
21. September 2018
Maybe I’d feel more comfortable if I knew that this plugin had been updated a few months ago rather than two years ago, but it works perfectly with the current version of WordPress. I guess the developer’s policy is, „if it ain’t broke don’t fix it“, and I agree.
My five stars are for the fucntionalities and with a wish that the developer adds a feature to chose the post to which the image is attached rather than having to open another window to get that link info in the middle of creating a gallery. With this wished for feature I’d give it a six.
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