This plugin allows to display a customizable WordPress admin bar for non-logged users.
The idea derives from a Buddypress functionality that displays quick links (e.g., Log-in and Register) even to non-logged users.
Links out of the box
- Add a home icon with site name, link and mobile support
- Login link on the righ, with icon and mobile support
- Register link on the righ (if enabled)
Additional features
- Horizontal space for a customizable message to your users
- WPML compatible
- Fully localized to your language
Demo –
Particularly useful with a BBPress installation or just to engage users to interact and log-in to your website.
- Upload the entire folder to the ‚/wp-content/plugins/‘ directory or install direcly via the WordPress plugin screen
- Activate the plugin through the ‚Plugins‘ menu in WordPress
- Enjoy!
Für dieses Plugin gibt es keine Rezensionen.
Mitwirkende & Entwickler
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2.2 2024-05-24
- Compatibility check
- Minor changes
2.2 20231020
- Compatibility check
- Minor bugfix (thanks to R. Mészáros)
- Minor changes
2.1 20220901
- Compatibility check
- Minor changes
2.0 20220213
- [NEW] Login and registration are now aligned right
- [NEW] Full mobile support
- [NEW] Added homepage link with home dashicon
- [IMPROVED] Major performance improvements
- [IMPROVED] Complete object-oriented code refactoring
- WP compatibility check
- Readme and page improvements
1.2 – 16.07.2015
- Added option to show a top bar message
1.1.1 – 02.03.2015
- Minor changes
1.1 – 09.07.2014
- Removed WordPress logo for non-logged users
1.0 – 09.07.2014
- First release