Dieses Plugin wurde mit dem 4. November 2024 stillgelegt und ist nicht zum Download verfügbar. Grund: Sicherheitsproblem.
23. Dezember 2020
Love this plugin for showing the types of username and password combinations being tried on my website. Still works fine on Wordpress 5.5.
18. April 2019
Installs fine, but it shows nothing on WP 5.1.1. Support forum is useless nobody answers.
21. April 2018
Very excited to find this plugin, as Sucuri has recently stopped recording and reporting IP and password used in failed login attempt. Now Sucuri only record and report IP.
I installed this on several sites, one in particular gets about five unsuccessful login attempts per day. According to WP Logon Attempt Log, there have been no unsuccessful login attempts in over a month.
I’m really hoping that they’ll do an update on this plugin!
7. November 2016
Needed exactly this for a site transfer. Did exactly what it promised. Perfect in it’s simplicity!
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