Dieses Plugin ist nicht mit den jüngsten 3 Hauptversionen von WordPress getestet worden. Es wird möglicherweise nicht mehr gewartet oder unterstützt und kann Kompatibilitätsprobleme haben, wenn es mit neueren Versionen von WordPress verwendet wird.

WP SmartCrop


WP SmartCrop allows you to set the ‚focal point‘ of any image, right from the media library, then crops your images to match your css rules (no more squished aspect ratios), keeping that focal point, not only in view, but as near as possible to a ‚rule of thirds‘ position in the image. The results are powerful, composed photos at any screen size, with any constraints.

  • Visually select your images‘ focal points with an intuitive click-based interface
  • Quickly enable or disable smart-cropping on a per-image basis.
  • Easily target only the images you want to style, with the img.wpsmartcrop-image selector
  • Automatic image preloader, so your users never see partially loaded images again
  • Semantic HTML5/CSS3 for modern browsers, with automatic fallback to non-semantic HTML4/CSS2 for older browsers.
  • Lightweight and fast processing of images, even inside post content
  • Fully compatible with common caching and optimization plugins and solutions, such as W3 Total Cache, Wordfence, WPEngine’s EverCache, Better WordPress Minify, and Google’s PageSpeed Module.
  • Lets you take full advantage of the new responsive srcset features added in WordPress 4.4, to make the most of your images.
  • NEU! Dank der Legacy-Unterstützung für vorhandene zugeschnittene Bildgrößen kannst du sofort Verbesserungen sehen, ohne dein CSS zu ändern!


WP SmartCrop wurde in den folgenden Browsern vollständig getestet:

  • Safari
  • Chrome
  • Firefox
  • Microsoft Edge

This is by no means an exhaustive list of supported devices; it just represents our primary target platforms.

Please Rate/Review and Enjoy

Your Ratings and Reviews help us to direct our development, and help other users know what to expect.


  • An example of featured image styling done with WP SmartCrop

  • The additions to the Media Library interface.

  • Bild-Fokus-Punkt setzen.


Du kannst die eingebaute Installation und Aktualisierung verwenden oder das Plugin manuell installieren.

Vom WordPress dashboard

  1. Besuche „Plugins > Neu hinzufügen“
  2. Suche nach „WP SmartCrop“
  3. Aktiviere WP SmartCrop auf der Plugins-Seite.

Von WordPress.org

  1. WP SmartCrop herunterladen.
  2. Upload the ‚wp-smartcrop‘ directory to your ‚/wp-content/plugins/‘ directory, using your favorite method (ftp, sftp, scp, etc…)
  3. Aktiviere WP SmartCrop auf der Plugins-Seite.

Nach der Aktivierung

  1. Bilder zur Medienbibliothek hochladen
  2. Select an image in the library, so that image details appear on the right
  3. Check the Enable Smart Cropping checkbox.
  4. click edit focal point to choose the location of your images focal point
  5. Click the focal point of the image in the modal that appears. This should be the central subject, and the area of the image that we want in view at all times. For a portrait, I recommend clicking an eye, or other powerful feature. You can change the focus at any time, simply by clicking on a new part of the image.
  6. Klicke auf anwenden, um deine Änderungen zu speichern
  7. Füge das Bild in eine Seite oder einen Beitrag ein
  8. Style your images with CSS, using the img.wpsmartcrop-image selector


Q. I installed the plugin, and nothing changed. What gives?

A. WP SmartCrop is designed to simplify the process for styling your responsive images, but you need to add some styles for it to use. Try adding this snippet to your theme’s style.css file, as a test:

img.wpsmartcrop-image {
    display: block;
    width: 100%;
    height: 200px;

Once you’ve verified that the plugin is working, go wild!

Q. Why can’t you choose the focal points for me?

A. We’re currently working on a „pro“ version that will do exactly that. If you’re interested in the feature, let us know as a feature request. It always helps to see people interested in further developments.

Q. Can I integrate WP Smart Crop in my theme?

A. We love to see theme integrations, but reach out to us first, at support@bytes.co. We maintain a separate, paid branch for theme developers that has some necessary changes and integrations incorporated, and there are some caveats that should be followed to make sure your theme is fully compatible with our future roadmap. Otherwise, feel free to list it as a suggested plugin with your theme.

F. Dein Plugin ist schlecht und du solltest dich schlecht fühlen!

A. That’s not really a question, but at least our moms like us. Feel free to send your ‚constructive criticism‘ to support@bytes.co, or leave us a review/rating.


8. November 2022 3 Antworten
I had to alter the plugin code slightly to allow it to work with custom sizes as well. It would also be nice if the smart crop dimensions weren’t removed upon plugin deactivation, also, if the smart cropping functionality was behind a user role privilege check.
14. Juni 2019
The plugins worked quite well, but not in IE 11. There it broke the site. Sadly I got no help with that from the developer. So I stopped using it. Another downside (but probably not solvable by a plugin): the preview of links on facebook and twitter is still the non edited one.
28. Februar 2019 1 Antwort
Seems really promising but I didn’t got it working in WP 5.1.0. Neither WP Smart Crop v 2.0 (UI works, but output unchanged) nor 1.5. (UI doesn’t work anymore, can’t select focal point).
Alle 9 Rezensionen lesen

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  • Remove references to plugin website


  • Fix attribute parsing issue


  • Add support for generic img tags with the default url format


  • Add support for figure markup


  • Test against WordPress 5.6.0
  • Fix a PHP Notice generated by admin settings UI (PR #12, props to @basvandenwijngaard)


  • Fix potential security concern


  • Admin-E-Mail-Adresse aktualisieren


  • Remove mutation observer for IE11


  • Fix admin url


  • Fix custom image size issue


  • completely rework media library interface for ease of use and compatibility
  • add support for relative position mode
  • incorporate mutation observer for live ajax updates
  • fix support for setting focal point in JS


  • fix compatibility with modals in the media library’s grid view


  • fix misplaced parenthesis on count causing warnings on php 7


  • version bump in attempt to fix wordpress.org listing bug


  • Fix for list view


  • center smartcrop focus by default.
  • fix conflict with jQuery 3.0+
  • remove unnecessary IOS compatibility mode


  • fix settings link on plugins page


  • switch to minified js


  • add unnecessary $(window).load event, to solve intermittent issues in Edge Browser


  • abstract wp-smartcrop into a jquery plugin
  • repair list view in media library


  • Fix focal point selection at large resolutions


  • Fix issue with edge cases and focal positions of with 0 as a coordinate


  • Provide better support for iOS devices
  • additional css tweaks for better universality


  • Add initial steps towards add-on friendliness
  • Add extensible settings page


  • Recrop existing cropped thumbnail sizes to match focal point


  • Erste Version