Dieses Plugin wurde mit dem 7. März 2024 stillgelegt und ist nicht zum Download verfügbar. Grund: Sicherheitsproblem.
17. Juni 2023
Obviously awesome, great effort you done to bring WP Trading View plug in for US,
Thanks a lot
5 Shining stars for you.
19. Mai 2023
Thank you for the great opportunity!
10. März 2023
Works like charm
18. Oktober 2022
I was scared WP, won’t have a way for me to add the trading view widgets since I am a financial trading blogger and would be using lots of widgets from trading view, so I nervously searched and I was really excited when I discovered they had the plugin for that. Now I have got it installed and I am definitely looking forward to using it.
16. Oktober 2022
best plugin ever
13. März 2022
Current client.
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