Dieses Plugin ist nicht mit den jüngsten 3 Hauptversionen von WordPress getestet worden. Es wird möglicherweise nicht mehr gewartet oder unterstützt und kann Kompatibilitätsprobleme haben, wenn es mit neueren Versionen von WordPress verwendet wird.

User Role Switcher


This plugin allows you to quickly swap between user roles in WordPress at the click of a button. You’ll be instantly switched to the new user role. This is handy for test environments where you regularly log out and in between different accounts, or for administrators who need to switch between multiple accounts to test the feature in different user roles.


  • Switch Role To: Instantly switch to any user role from the admin bar at top.
  • Switch back: Instantly switch back to your originating role.
  • Compatible with WordPress, WordPress Multisite, WooCommerce.


  • Only users with the ability to edit other users can switch user roles. By default this is only Administrators on single site installations, and Super Admins on Multisite installations.


  1. Once plugin is activated, you will see Switch Role To in the top admin bar.
  2. Clicking this will bring the list of user roles available in the system.
  3. Click on any user role you want to test as.
  4. You can switch back to your originating user role via the Switch back link on the top admin bar.


2. April 2021 1 Antwort
Was asking for a floating button to get back to the admin, got in in a couple of days. Great plugin! Great support!
Alle 2 Rezensionen lesen

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  • [Improvements] Added floating action button when role is switched.


  • Initial release