Dieses Plugin wurde mit dem 31. März 2023 stillgelegt und ist nicht zum Download verfügbar. Diese Stilllegung ist dauerhaft. Grund: Autor-Anfrage.
16. Oktober 2020
silly crap redirecting all media to 404 pages, even for existing content.
7. Mai 2020
The plugin creates a new XML-Sitemap which contains all attachment URLs. This is the opposite from what you are describing
20. Dezember 2019
It does not perform its functions. I do not advise
20. Oktober 2019
„Wait 6 months and it will work.“
Bullshit. It’s been 16+ and didn’t work.
Yoast makes a mistake, creates plugin to fix and it doesn’t, and you’re left with hours of work to fix URLs that shouldnt exist
23. Juli 2019
Which is the exact opposite of what it’s supposed to do. It does NOT create a 401 for the attachment page, the page loads as usual. But it actually DID send Google fresh indexes for all attachment pages in its XML – so they’ve been re-indexed all over again. Guys please fix this! This plugin actually made the issue WORSE.
14. Juni 2019
My theme has been changed by that.
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