• Hello guys,

    I’m, about to optimise my SEO ranking and noticed something strange.
    When inspecting the page, there is a doubled h1 Tag coming from the „Edit-Link“ Modal, known from the default wordpress editor.

    Other wordpress pages, running on an older version don’t show this behaviour. Is this a bug? I don’t think this should be rendered, even hidden.

    Current version: 6.1.1

    <div id="wp-link-wrap" class="wp-core-ui" style="display: none" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="link-modal-title">
    		<form id="wp-link" tabindex="-1">
    		<input type="hidden" id="_ajax_linking_nonce" name="_ajax_linking_nonce" value="22395435d5">		<h1 id="link-modal-title">Link einfügen/ändern</h1>
    		<button type="button" id="wp-link-close"><span class="screen-reader-text">Schließen</span></button>
    		<div id="link-selector">
    			<div id="link-options">
    				<p class="howto" id="wplink-enter-url">Gib die Ziel-URL ein</p>
    					<input id="wp-link-url" type="text" aria-describedby="wplink-enter-url"></label>
    				<div class="wp-link-text-field">
    					<input id="wp-link-text" type="text"></label>
    				<div class="link-target">
    					<input type="checkbox" id="wp-link-target"> Link in einem neuen Tab öffnen</label>
    			<p class="howto" id="wplink-link-existing-content">Oder verlinke auf bestehende Inhalte</p>
    			<div id="search-panel">
    				<div class="link-search-wrapper">
    						<span class="search-label">Suchen</span>
    						<input type="search" id="wp-link-search" class="link-search-field" autocomplete="off" aria-describedby="wplink-link-existing-content">
    						<span class="spinner"></span>
    				<div id="search-results" class="query-results" tabindex="0">
    					<div class="river-waiting">
    						<span class="spinner"></span>
    				<div id="most-recent-results" class="query-results" tabindex="0">
    					<div class="query-notice" id="query-notice-message">
    						<em class="query-notice-default">Es wurde kein Suchbegriff angegeben. Es werden die aktuellen Inhalte angezeigt.</em>
    						<em class="query-notice-hint screen-reader-text">Verwende zur Auswahl eines Elements die Suche oder die Hoch-/Runter-Pfeiltasten.</em>
    					<div class="river-waiting">
    						<span class="spinner"></span>
    		<div class="submitbox">
    			<div id="wp-link-cancel">
    				<button type="button" class="button">Abbrechen</button>
    			<div id="wp-link-update">
    				<input type="submit" value="Link hinzufügen" class="button button-primary" id="wp-link-submit" name="wp-link-submit">
    • Dieses Thema wurde geändert vor 1 Jahr, 11 Monaten von felix9607.

    Die Seite, für die ich Hilfe brauche: [Anmelden, um den Link zu sehen]

Ansicht von 1 Antwort (von insgesamt 1)
  • Moderation Note: sorry, I close this thread as you have asked your question in a German support forum in English. To keep the threads accessible to all people not speaking English, I kindly ask you to either rephrase your question in German or ask in the International support forums. Thank you for your understanding. Best regards, Hans-Gerd

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  • Das Thema „Link Modal generates double h1 tag“ ist für neue Antworten geschlossen.