Simple Job Board Plug In
Hi, did activate the plug in on my webseite. Obervation was, that it placed itself right on my page which was called Jobs-had content on it already. Sinc ethe plug in was not exaclty what I wanted to handle with it, I deactivated and erased it.
However I found that after that clicking on my Jobs site/page, I was directly forwarded to my main page (same website). Looking through dashboard on all pages, I found my actual original Jobs page with all its data, survey etc., but I would even after having erased that page and re loading the content, not get that content by clicking on Jobs, but would be forwarded to the main page again.
What has happened on this and what would be a way of handling.
Moderation Note: Hi. Thank you for posting your question on the WordPress support forums. As you posted your question in the German section, I’ll close this thread and kindly ask you either to rephrase your question in German in the German plugins forum or, if you prefer to keep the conversation in English, in the support forum for this particular plugin (which seems to be the better alternartive, as your question is very specific to this plugin). Kind regards and Viele Grüße, Bego
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