Upload von Bildern nicht mehr möglich
Hallo miteinander,
seit Kurzem kann ich keine Bilder (normale .jpg Dateien mit dem iPhone aufgenommen und zwischen 1,5 bis 5 MB groß) mehr in meine WP Mediathek hochladen. Es kommt immer wieder die Fehlermeldung „Bei dem Upload ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte versuche es später nochmal.“. Ich habe bereits unzählige Foreneinträge gelesen und folgende Dinge probiert, die alle bisher leider nichts halfen:
– Health-Check mit Ausschalten aller Plugins
– Zugriffcheck des upload-Verzeichnisses mit 755-Einstellung
– Modifikation in functions.php Datei des Themes Twentyseventeen
– Stratos ServerSide Security deaktiviert
– Größe für Dateien in der wp-config.php auf diverse Werte umgestellt (128,256,512)
– .htaccess modifiziert (ging nicht, das vermutlich von Strato nicht supported)
– auf die neuste PHP-Version 7.3 umgestellt.Die Website ist wie erwähnt bei Strato gehostet. Hier der Health Check:
### WordPress ### Version: 5.1.1 Language: de_DE Permalink structure: /%postname%/ Is this site using HTTPS?: Yes Can anyone register on this site?: No Default comment status: open Is this a multisite?: No User Count: 1 Communication with WordPress.org: WordPress.org is reachable Create loopback requests: The loopback request to your site completed successfully. ### Installation size ### Uploads Directory: 133.40 MB Themes Directory: 14.90 MB Plugins Directory: 141.48 MB Database size: 10.56 MB Whole WordPress Directory: 452.09 MB Total installation size: 462.65 MB ### Active Theme ### Name: Twenty Seventeen Version: 2.1 Author: the WordPress team Author website: https://wordpress.org/ Parent theme: Not a child theme Supported theme features: automatic-feed-links, title-tag, post-thumbnails, menus, html5, post-formats, custom-logo, customize-selective-refresh-widgets, editor-style, editor-styles, wp-block-styles, responsive-embeds, starter-content, custom-header, widgets ### Other themes (7) ### Arouse (arouse): Version 1.1.7 by ThemezHut Hostel (hostel): Version 1.0.2 by Webdzier Hotel Galaxy (hotel-galaxy): Version 4.1.6 by webdzier Hotel Hamburg (hotel-hamburg): Version 1.0.4 by BookingCalendar McKinley (mckinley): Version 1.1.0 by ThemeTrust Travelify (travelify): Version 3.0.4 by Colorlib Twenty Nineteen (twentynineteen): Version 1.3 by the WordPress team ### Must Use Plugins (1) ### Health Check Troubleshooting Mode: Version 1.5.1 ### Active Plugins (19) ### Akismet Anti-Spam: Version 4.1.1 by Automattic Compress JPEG & PNG images: Version 3.2.0 by TinyPNG Elementor: Version 2.5.14 by Elementor.com Health Check & Troubleshooting: Version 1.2.6 by The WordPress.org community Imsanity: Version 2.4.2 by Exactly WWW Page Builder by SiteOrigin: Version 2.10.5 by SiteOrigin Photo Gallery: Version 1.5.21 by Photo Gallery Team Really Simple SSL: Version 3.1.5 by Rogier Lankhorst, Mark Wolters Sidebar Widgets by CodeLights: Version 1.4 by CodeLights Simple Custom CSS: Version 4.0.2 by John Regan, Danny Van Kooten SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle: Version 1.15.6 by SiteOrigin TinyMCE Advanced: Version 5.1.0 by Andrew Ozz Wordfence Security: Version 7.2.5 by Wordfence WP DSGVO Tools (GDPR): Version 2.2.14 by Shapepress eU WP GDPR Compliance: Version 1.5.1 by Van Ons WP Google Maps: Version 7.11.21 by WP Google Maps WP Simple Booking Calendar: Version 1.5.5 by WP Simple Booking Calendar WP Statistics: Version 12.6.4 by VeronaLabs Yoast SEO: Version 11.1 by Team Yoast ### Inactive Plugins (6) ### Google Analytics Dashboard for WP (GADWP): Version 5.3.8 by ExactMetrics Hello Dolly: Version 1.7 by Matt Mullenweg Livemesh SiteOrigin Widgets: Version 2.5.3 by Livemesh NextGEN Gallery: Version 3.1.17 by Imagely SiteOrigin CSS: Version 1.2.4 by SiteOrigin Smush: Version by WPMU DEV ### Media handling ### Active editor: WP_Image_Editor_GD Imagick Module Version: Imagick not available ImageMagick Version: Imagick not available GD Version: bundled (2.1.0 compatible) Ghostscript Version: Not available ### Server ### Server architecture: SunOS localhost 5.10 Generic_142901-13 i86pc SunOS localhost 5.10 Generic_142901-13 i86pc SunOS localhost 5.10 Generic_142901-13 i86pc Web Server Software: Apache/2.4.39 (Unix) PHP Version: 7.3.4 (Does not support 64bit values) PHP SAPI: cgi-fcgi PHP max input variables: 4000 PHP time limit: 120 PHP memory limit: 256M Max input time: 60 Upload max filesize: 64M PHP post max size: 76M cURL Version: 7.50.3 OpenSSL/1.0.2j SUHOSIN installed: No Is the Imagick library available: No htaccess rules: Custom rules have been added to your htaccess file ### Database ### Extension: mysqli Server version: 5.6.42-log Client version: 5.5.54 Database prefix: wp_ ### WordPress Constants ### ABSPATH: /mnt/web208/e3/62/5941162/htdocs/WordPress_01/ WP_HOME: https://meine-domain.de WP_SITEURL: https://meine-domain.de WP_DEBUG: Disabled WP_MAX_MEMORY_LIMIT: 256M WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY: Enabled WP_DEBUG_LOG: Disabled SCRIPT_DEBUG: Disabled WP_CACHE: Disabled CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS: Undefined COMPRESS_SCRIPTS: Undefined COMPRESS_CSS: Undefined WP_LOCAL_DEV: Undefined ### Filesystem Permissions ### The main WordPress directory: Writable The wp-content directory: Writable The uploads directory: Writable The plugins directory: Writable The themes directory: Writable The Must Use Plugins directory: Writable
Was könnte noch der Fehler sein bzw. was kann ich noch tun? Ich würde ungern die Seite komplett neu aufsetzen müssen, was mir als letzter Ausweg noch bliebe.
Vielen lieben Dank und beste Grüße
StefanDie Seite, für die ich Hilfe brauche: [Anmelden, um den Link zu sehen]
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