Oh what surprise,
der Beitrag ist heiß,
und mit Hello Sir,
meint er wohl wir?
„example“ might be hard so spell,
dabei geht’s doch in Deutsch so well?
Und Adsense scheint auch ein Plugin zu sein?
Sorry, so „doesn’t it work“. Nein, nein, nein. 😀
Hello @1m9u9z7i (nice username by the way, certainly easy to memorize),
welcome to the German support forums and excuse my poetic intro.
Unfortunately not everyone participating here speaks English fluently. Therefore we kindly ask you to either rephrase your question in German or ask in the International forums. If your question is related to a particular plugin in the WordPress plugin directory, you can also ask specific questions there.
WordPress is OpenSource and has a lovely community of volunteers around the world who are eager to help out. Yet we usually use less formal ways to address people – „hi folks“ might be more appropriate than „Hello Sir“.
As we try to keep the German support forums accessible for everybody not speaking a second language, I’ll close this thread. Thank you for your understanding.
Best regards,
Bego (just another volunteer)