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  • Thread-Starter freds79


    Ja klar, bei einem grossen Teil handelt es sich um backup-Dateien, ausserdem sind ein paar gezipte Dateien vorhanden. Auch hier wird aufgeräumt.

    Thread-Starter freds79


    Danke für die Tipps @bego Mario Garde
    habe die Plugins aufgeräumt und ausgedünnt und jetzt funktionierte es.
    Das Problem stand in direktem Zusammenhang mit dem Plugin WebP Express.
    Den Extend Media Upload hatte ich installiert und als Ausweichmöglichkeit probiert.

    So ist das, wenn man bereits laufende Seiten übernimmt… besser erst mal aufräumen… 😀


    Thread-Starter freds79


    Hier der Bericht – danke schon mal fürs Drüberschauen!

    Thread-Starter freds79


    ### wp-core ###
    version: 5.4.2
    site_language: de_DE
    user_language: de_DE
    timezone: Europe/Berlin
    permalink: /%postname%/
    https_status: true
    user_registration: 1
    default_comment_status: open
    multisite: false
    user_count: 47
    dotorg_communication: true
    ### wp-paths-sizes ###
    wordpress_path: /var/www/vhosts/
    wordpress_size: 6,97 GB (7479135427 bytes)
    uploads_path: /var/www/vhosts/
    uploads_size: 1.018,52 MB (1067991380 bytes)
    themes_path: /var/www/vhosts/
    themes_size: 6,50 MB (6815143 bytes)
    plugins_path: /var/www/vhosts/
    plugins_size: 254,93 MB (267311793 bytes)
    database_size: 23,61 MB (24756021 bytes)
    total_size: 8,24 GB (8846009764 bytes)
    ### wp-dropins (2) ###
    advanced-cache.php: true
    maintenance.php: true
    ### wp-active-theme ###
    name: Page Builder Framework (page-builder-framework)
    version: 2.4.3
    author: David Vongries
    parent_theme: none
    theme_features: post-thumbnails, custom-logo, custom-background, title-tag, automatic-feed-links, html5, customize-selective-refresh-widgets, menus, editor-styles, align-wide, editor-font-sizes, header-footer-elementor, woocommerce, wc-product-gallery-zoom, wc-product-gallery-lightbox, wc-product-gallery-slider, widgets
    theme_path: /var/www/vhosts/
    ### wp-themes-inactive (3) ###
    Twenty Nineteen: version: 1.6, author: WordPress-Team
    Twenty Seventeen: version: 2.3, author: WordPress-Team
    Twenty Sixteen: version: 2.1, author: WordPress-Team
    ### wp-plugins-active (39) ###
    Add From Server: version: 3.3.3, author: Dion Hulse
    Advanced Database Cleaner: version: 3.0.0, author: Younes JFR.
    Antispam Bee: version: 2.9.2, author: pluginkollektiv
    Better Search Replace: version: 1.3.3, author: Delicious Brains
    Check Email: version: 0.6.0, author: MachoThemes
    Child Theme Configurator: version: 2.5.5, author: Lilaea Media
    Cookie Notice: version: 1.3.2, author: dFactory
    Divi Builder: version: 4.4.8, author: Elegant Themes
    Duplicate Post: version: 3.2.4, author: Enrico Battocchi
    Easy Theme and Plugin Upgrades: version: 2.0.1, author: Chris Jean
    Error Log Monitor: version: 1.6.10, author: Janis Elsts
    Extend Media Upload: version: 1.13, author: Katsushi Kawamori
    Germanized for WooCommerce: version: 3.1.9, author: vendidero
    HandMade WooCommerce Order Status Control: version: 1.3, author: HandMade Connections
    Indeed Ultimate Membership Pro: version: 8.8, author: WPIndeed Development
    JSM's Force HTTP to HTTPS: version: 3.2.0, author: JS Morisset
    Kadence WooCommerce Email Designer: version: 1.4.1, author: Kadence WP
    Loco Translate: version: 2.4.0, author: Tim Whitlock
    Mail Crypter: version: 2.0.3, author: wilka_2000
    PayPal PLUS for WooCommerce: version: 2.2.1, author: Inpsyde GmbH
    PHP Compatibility Checker: version: 1.5.0, author: WP Engine
    Picture Gallery - Frontend Image Uploads, AJAX Photo List: version: 1.3.15, author:
    Real 3D Flipbook: version: 3.6.1, author: creativeinteractivemedia
    Redirection: version: 4.8, author: John Godley
    Shortcodes Ultimate: version: 5.9.0, author: Vladimir Anokhin
    Simple CSS: version: 1.1, author: Tom Usborne
    Simple Divi Shortcode: version: 1.0, author: Fabrice ESQUIROL - Creaweb2b
    TablePress: version: 1.11, author: Tobias Bäthge
    Under Construction: version: 3.80, author: WebFactory Ltd
    UpdraftPlus - Backup/Restore: version: 1.16.25, author: UpdraftPlus.Com, DavidAnderson
    WebP Express: version: 0.17.3, author: Bjørn Rosell
    WooCommerce: version: 4.2.1, author: Automattic (latest version: 4.2.2)
    WooCommerce Customizer: version: 2.7.4, author: SkyVerge
    WooCommerce PayPal Gateway: version: 3.0.0, author: easypayment
    WP-Optimize - Clean, Compress, Cache: version: 3.1.2, author: David Anderson, Ruhani Rabin, Team Updraft
    WP Mail Logging: version: 1.9.6, author: MailPoet
    WP Mail SMTP: version: 2.1.1, author: WPForms
    WP Memory: version: 1.1, author: Bill Minozzi
    Yoast SEO: version: 14.4, author: Team Yoast (latest version: 14.4.1)
    ### wp-plugins-inactive (1) ###
    WP File Manager: version: 6.5, author: mndpsingh287
    ### wp-media ###
    image_editor: WP_Image_Editor_Imagick
    imagick_module_version: 1687
    imagemagick_version: ImageMagick 6.9.7-4 Q16 x86_64 20170114
    	imagick::RESOURCETYPE_AREA: 122 MB
    	imagick::RESOURCETYPE_DISK: 1073741824
    	imagick::RESOURCETYPE_FILE: 393216
    	imagick::RESOURCETYPE_MAP: 512 MB
    	imagick::RESOURCETYPE_MEMORY: 256 MB
    	imagick::RESOURCETYPE_THREAD: 16
    gd_version: bundled (2.1.0 compatible)
    ghostscript_version: 9.26
    ### wp-server ###
    server_architecture: Linux 4.9.0-12-amd64 x86_64
    httpd_software: Apache
    php_version: 7.4.7 64bit
    php_sapi: cgi-fcgi
    max_input_variables: 16000
    time_limit: 0
    memory_limit: 512M
    max_input_time: 60
    upload_max_size: 128M
    php_post_max_size: 128M
    curl_version: 7.52.1 GnuTLS/3.5.8
    suhosin: false
    imagick_availability: true
    htaccess_extra_rules: false
    ### wp-database ###
    extension: mysqli
    server_version: 5.7.28
    client_version: mysqlnd 7.4.7
    ### wp-constants ###
    WP_HOME: undefined
    WP_SITEURL: undefined
    WP_CONTENT_DIR: /var/www/vhosts/
    WP_PLUGIN_DIR: /var/www/vhosts/
    WP_DEBUG: false
    WP_DEBUG_LOG: false
    SCRIPT_DEBUG: false
    WP_CACHE: true
    COMPRESS_SCRIPTS: undefined
    COMPRESS_CSS: undefined
    WP_LOCAL_DEV: undefined
    DB_CHARSET: utf8
    DB_COLLATE: undefined
    ### wp-filesystem ###
    wordpress: writable
    wp-content: writable
    uploads: writable
    plugins: writable
    themes: writable
    ### wpmemory ###
    ### wp_mail_smtp ###
    version: 2.1.1
    license_key_type: lite
    debug: Keine Debug-Hinweise gefunden.
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