

Alle Themes



  • Version 1.0.4
  • Zuletzt aktualisiert 19. April 2024
  • Aktive Installationen 1.000+
  • PHP-Version 5.6

Highlight your blog using our unique and stylish mobile-first theme with dedicated focus on mobile users, SEO, and UI/UX design. SEO options, theme settings, menu settings, mobile view options, and design controls are all available in one central place – Live Customizer. Blogig Theme has mobile-optimized design with options to edit mobile view design and show/hide any page elements on mobile devices. The theme is designed to showcase visual storytelling of your blogging adventure to propel your brand to a higher level. There are multiple pre-built websites available and pre-website import steps to your blog are minimal to allow for quick setup.Additionally, there are image Settings – image ratio, image size, image border, image box shadow in each block and widget. It also has inbuilt custom css code control from where you can add/modify your site with their own css code to extend with additional features.

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Aktive Installationen: 1.000+


4.5 von 5 Sternen.


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