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Kommerzielles Theme

Dieses Theme ist kostenlos, bietet aber zusätzliche kostenpflichtige kommerzielle Upgrades oder Support.

  • Version 1.4.0
  • Zuletzt aktualisiert 2. Dezember 2024
  • Aktive Installationen 300+
  • PHP-Version 5.6

Elementare is a beautiful and easy to use multipurpose WordPress Theme with all the feature that you need to make a complete website in one page. In the home page you can use many sections including Slider, About Us, Team Section, Skills, Contact section and much more, all this in a few seconds by using one click demo importer plugin. Moreover, Elementare Theme has a beautiful appearance for blogging with a big featured image in the header. Elementare Theme is fully compatible with WooCommerce that allows you to create your personal E-Commerce, with WPML (multilingual ready), with Gutenberg and with the most common page builders (Elementor, SiteOrigin, Beaver Builder). Unlimited colors (also gradient color), 2 sidebars, footer widget, custom logo and many other options. Demo here: https://crestaproject.com/demo/elementare/

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Aktive Installationen: 300+


5 von 5 Sternen.


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Dieses Theme ist in den folgenden Sprachen verfügbar: English (US).

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