Kommerzielles Theme
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Dies ist ein Child-Theme von CoverNews.
EleNews is the ultimate free WordPress theme for Elementor users, combining the innovative features of CoverNews with Elementor’s powerful templates, widgets, kits, and Header Footer Builder. It offers striking home pages and refreshed layouts, perfect for personal blogs, news journals, magazines, travel blogs, and news hubs. With over 300+ pre-designed template kits, dark mode, customizable layouts, and SEO-friendly code, EleNews ensures intuitive drag-and-drop page building and higher search engine rankings. Fully responsive and compatible with Gutenberg, RTL languages, and WooCommerce, it provides comprehensive online integration. Transform your WordPress site into a vibrant and professional platform with [EleNews](https://afthemes.com/products/elenews/). View [Demo](https://demos.afthemes.com/covernews/elenews/), and watch step-by-step setup [Tutorials](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X3n2Evmv8z0).
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