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Painting Contractor

Painting Contractor

Kommerzielles Theme

Dieses Theme ist kostenlos, bietet aber zusätzliche kostenpflichtige kommerzielle Upgrades oder Support.

Dies ist ein Child-Theme von Construction Hub.

  • Version 3.4
  • Zuletzt aktualisiert 1. August 2024
  • Aktive Installationen 100+
  • WordPress-Version 5.0
  • PHP-Version 5.6

The painting contractor theme is a simple, clean, modern architecture theme designed for painting companies and painters. A multipurpose design makes it suitable for paint companies, wall paint shops, home maintenance, repair job, plumbing, painting companies, car painter, polishing, painting websites, architectural studios, and affiliated business & services websites. Painting theme that is modern, stylish, and attractive. This website has been designed with a construction services agency in mind and a painting company. Additionally, it is suitable for painting firms, plastering bureaus, or individual painters. As a result of its versatility and high customization capabilities, the theme can be used to build websites for any topic-related business, including architecture, construction, plumbing, carpentry, remodeling, etc. Shortcodes and custom widgets contribute significantly to the ease of managing content and layouts. Your clients and business owners will appreciate some cool features. Use the shortcodes Services, Team, and Prices to display the information your users need to know about you and the Quote Request to request a quote. WPBakery & Slider Revolution are compatible with the painting theme. Creating a beautiful gallery and portfolio pages is possible using Essential Grid & Instagram Feed. By using Contact Form 7, you will be able to communicate effectively with your customers.

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Aktive Installationen: 100+



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Dieses Theme ist in den folgenden Sprachen verfügbar: English (US), Русский und Українська.

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