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Thrive Coach

Thrive Coach

Kommerzielles Theme

Dieses Theme ist kostenlos, bietet aber zusätzliche kostenpflichtige kommerzielle Upgrades oder Support.

Dies ist ein Child-Theme von Seva Lite.

  • Version 1.0.0
  • Zuletzt aktualisiert 17. August 2023
  • Aktive Installationen 100+
  • PHP-Version 7.4

Thrive Coach is a minimalistic theme for mentors and coaches such as health coach, lifestyle coach, business coach, personal development coach, life coach, psychotherapist, psychotherapy, therapy, online psychological counselor, and so on. You can include client testimonials, blog, services you offer, Calls to action, and contact forms in different sections. Thrive Coach integrates CoachPodium and Wheel of Life plugin to create interactive Wheel of Life assessments. This online assessment allows your clients to take a quick test to view different aspects of their life and see what areas need improvement. Its user-friendly features, SEO and speed optimization, and flexible customization options make it a standout choice for any coach.Check theme details at https://blossomthemes.com/wordpress-themes/thrive-coach/, demo at https://blossomthemes.com/theme-demo/?theme=thrive-coach, documentation at https://docs.blossomthemes.com/seva-lite/, and get support at https://blossomthemes.com/support-ticket/.

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Dieses Theme ist in den folgenden Sprachen verfügbar: English (US), Русский, Türkçe und Українська.

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