Admin Menü Manager


At required we strive to create a great user experience. We thought about how to improve the WordPress admin and came to the conclusion that we need a better way to manage the core of the WordPress back-end: the admin menu.

This is our take on a simple, lightweight and unobtrusive WordPress admin menu manager. It works like a charm, doesn’t get in your way and doesn’t even require yet another settings page. So if you want a custom tailored admin menu for you or your clients, this plugin is perfect.

Geheimtipp: Admin Menü Manager funktioniert hervorragend um Jetpack aus dem Weg zu räumen.

You can drag menu items anywhere you want, even from the top level to a sub menu item and vice-versa. Isn’t that awesome?!


Sieh dir dieses kurze Demo-Video an um das Plugin in Aktion zu sehen.


If you would like to contribute to this plugin, report an issue or anything like that, please note that we develop this plugin on GitHub. Please submit pull requests to the develop branch.

Developed by required


  • Das Plugin fügt einen unaufdringlichen Bearbeiten-Button zum Adminmenü hinzu
  • Ziehe Menü-Einträge und Trenner überall hin wo du möchtest — sogar von einem Untermenü nach ganz oben und umgekehrt.


  1. Lade das komplette /admin-menu-manager Verzeichnis in das /wp-content/plugins/ Verzeichnis hoch.
  2. Aktiviere Admin Menü Manager über das ‚Plugins‘ Menü in WordPress.
  3. Benutze den „Menü bearbeiten“ Button um dein WordPress Adminmenü zu bearbeiten.
  4. Verliebe dich augenblicklich.


What is the state of version 2.0?

Work was done on a major rewrite of the plugin to include many more features like

  • Menü-Einträge komplett entfernen und wiederherstellen
  • Bestehende Menü-Einträge und ihre Icons bearbeiten
  • Neue Einträge zum Adminmenü hinzufügen

An alpha version was released back in 2017. Right now, work has stalled due to lack of time and resources. If you want to help out, please get in touch with us!


1. Dezember 2024
This plugin works great! It allows you to easily reorder the admin menu in WordPress, and it’s incredibly simple to use. It does exactly what it promises without any hassle. Highly recommended for anyone looking to customize their admin menu with minimal effort.
14. Juli 2023
Allows simple rearranging items in Admin menu. Exactly what I needed. now I have more logical order.
12. Februar 2019
Thank you for an AWESOME plugin! Ok Folks, this plugin not only allows you to drag and drop a menu item Anywhere in the menu bar you want, but it also allows you to Drag a menu item on top of another menu item, thereby causing it to be a submenu item. My only question is, why is the 2.0 version only available on GitHub, and not the WordPress site? Another awesome feature is that when you click on your newly created menu, the submenu appears to the right and not below the menu item as the default WordPress does. This is a very cool feature that will not cause a menu item like your Settings to expand and take up the A large amount of your menu bar on the left. WordPress users, if you want the latest, working plug-in you will have to go to the website listed below by the author. This is an awesome plug-in and the only working plug-in to manage the admin menu on the backend of your WordPress sites To this granular level. Downloading this plug-in from GitHub will install straight to your WordPress site without any additional unzipping. Thank You SOOOO much Pascal! „Pascal Birchler (@swissspidy) 1 month, 3 weeks ago Hi there It’s possible that we’ve already fixed this bug in version 2.0 alpha of this plugin, so if you could give that one a try (ideally on a development site), you can download it here:“
20. Dezember 2018 1 Antwort
This plugin does not work with the latest version of WordPress and WooCommerce. I was having issues seeing all the menu items for WooCommerce after updating to the latest versions. Once I deactivated this plugin, it all work correctly and I could see all the missing menu items. This plugin needs to be updated.
31. Mai 2018
The plugin still works well on 4.9.x and is really simple and useful so a big fan, the only issue I had with it was in some cases it seems to create a new sub menu item that doesn’t lead anywhere. It’s a bit of a shame but other than that I really like it.
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1.0.3 (2015-05-06)

  • Behoben: Lokalisierte Menü-Einträge wurden unter Umständen fälschlicherweise in Englisch dargestellt.

1.0.2 (2015-05-04)

  • Behoben: Die Lokalisierung von Submenu-Einträgen funktioniert nicht richtig wegen falsch übersetzter Strings.

1.0.1 (2015-4-27)

  • Fehler in der JS-URL behoben welcher das Plugin unbenutzbar machte

1.0.0 (2015-4-27)

  • Erste Veröffentlichung