

Dieses Plugin wurde mit dem 21. November 2016 stillgelegt und ist nicht zum Download verfügbar. Grund: Sicherheitsproblem.


3. September 2016
Adminer is really usefull and easy to handle. It’s saving a lot of time to reach site DB without logging in MySQL pannel. Thanks a lot for making it freely available !
3. September 2016
I really like it, does exactly what I expected! My only ‚constructive‘ criticism is that there’s still a little room for improvement on the English text (this is for the people that always find something to complain at…)
3. September 2016
Having never created or managed databases before, this plugin made it easy. I was up and running instantly.
3. September 2016
Thank you very much, indeed! This is a great tool for those who know what they are doing. I used it for disabling Link Manager in a pre WP 3.5 installation. Have a nice weekend!
Alle 113 Rezensionen lesen

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